Okay so ya I made this module and so far it is working great.. I am trying to figure out how I can add a feature to it where each org could have this on there bot and take care of there own stuff.. but I would like to have it update a central database.. the problem I have is I dont want to sacrifice speed.
This is set up for .2 raid bot atm. this was the best way I could figure out how to join it to 4 differnt orgs..
here is the way I would like it layed out..
User updates his skills bot saves it in its own database and also updates the online database.
when the users searchs for a certain skill it would query its own database and make a blog and send that back, if no one is online in there own org I would like it to query the online database and display the last 50 most recent people that have been online, since this module I would like to have when ever they do log on then it would just send something like a lastseen to the online database..
even with returning only 50 the mod could be adapted to do an !is on those 50 to see if they are online..
I would also like to this upgraded to the lastest svn release but I have not had a chance to even look at putting it on an org bot yet or even updating it to the svn release since a few things have changed...
I have added all the skills to the members table so you will have to add the proper col to your database or just drop your member table and it will remake it for ya.. BACK UP first..

I am not all that good at working with php and I am still just a basic beginner..
I dont know how I could have it where it would be in its own table and still reference the member table..still a little to advance for me..
Anyway here it is..
any and all help would be appreciated.