Development > Coding and development discussion



I am running 0.6.7 with Temar's slave module and just got a strange output in my log...

--- Code: ---AOChat ExtMsg Debug: Unknown Cat: 508 Instance: 196585349

XXXbotnameXXX [2010-02-15 14:07:57] [GROUP] [MSG]   [Org Msg] ~&!!!&t$b*$fu"WUZqi!!!!"~

AOChat ExtMsg Debug: Unknown Cat: 508 Instance: 196585349
--- End code ---

Has anyone else seen this before?

It's really not strange at all.

That is how AO sends many of the messages related to org and towers.

That particular one however is not handled by BeBot, and I don't have any tool to easilly look it up from the AO cd_image/text/text.mdb file offhand.

Thus, offhand you would need to correlate it with how it is displayed by the AO client to get the plaintext version.

It reads and dumps text.mdb

Enjoy :)


I had lost track of it and could not find it yesterday :P

Thus the message reads:
[196585349] Your city upkeep payment of %d credits is due in %d hour(s). Please make sure the full upkeep amount is available in the organization bank or you will lose your city.


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