What would I have to use to insert something into org chat with out the bot processing it? I have tried several things but I havent found the correct one yet..
maybe I am just to tired to see it..
I have tried
$this -> bot -> aoc -> send_group
$this -> bot -> queue -> into_queue
thinking about the following.. but I am unsure about it.. and not sure exactly how to change it.. I dont want to spam FC with anything.
$this->send_packet(new AOChatPacket("out", AOCP_GROUP_MESSAGE,
array($gid, $msg, $blob)));
that was just a cut and paste out of aochat.php.. just shooting an idea.. anyhelp would be helpful.. the problem is I can not have the bot process the output at all to org chat or it goes into another part of the script and causes a loop.