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Author Topic: shop module?  (Read 6631 times)

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Offline beav

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shop module?
« on: July 20, 2006, 05:26:38 pm »
i was wondering if anyone has/is-working-on a shop bot where you put stuff you want to sell in, for example, a private channel between you and your bot with a piece of text or some sort of command so that the bot knows to reply with the things in that list in a formatted pop up window for that specific command. like you make a script with a link for each proffession where each link sends a command to the bot for that specific proffession (i.e. a link that says Metaphysicist would send the bot a tell with the command !show MP or something like that) and the bot sends out a link to a pop up window that has your items in clickable link form for that specific proffession. also handy would be to add another category for misc. stuff that doesnt really fit into any specific proffession.

I play on RK2, and i talked to someone who uses bebot for such windows, but she said in order to set it up, it was fairly complex and used the info_note module somehow. i dont want to use this to spam a public chat channel, only want it to send out tells to people who click on my links in my own script-generated primary window.

anyway, thanks for looking at least and hope someone can either give me a walk-through for how to set up bebot to do this using the info_note module, or create a module that is specifically designed for this.

keep in mind i CAN make script-generated pop up windows, but my design would require more than one script to do, and right now, there is no way to use one script to call another (believe me i have tried everything, including the chatcmd// function for scripts).

thanks again for a great bot.


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Re: shop module?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2006, 05:28:05 pm »
Mrshop @ RK1

Offline beav

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Re: shop module?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2006, 05:36:06 pm »
ok... how do i set one up tho? i dont play RK1 so itws kinda hard for me to get ahold of him.

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Re: shop module?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2006, 05:58:11 pm »
It's still a working progress, but:,432.0.html

Might be of use to you.
220/25 Eternalist Doctor
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