working on coding a module to relay alliance members online to a webserver, and have a slight issue with dealing with members that are in the pg. sample of the code is as follows:
if ($this -> bot -> core("notify") -> check($name))
$botname = $this -> bot -> botname;
$online = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT t1.nickname, t2.level, org_rank, org_name, profession FROM "
. "#___online AS t1 LEFT JOIN #___whois AS t2 ON t1.nickname = t2.nickname WHERE status_gc=1 "
. "AND botname='".$botname."' ORDER BY profession ASC, t1.nickname ASC");
foreach ($online as $player)
$alname .= "|" . $player[0];
$allevel .= "|" . $player[1];
$alprof .= "|" . $player[4];
$alorg .= "|" . $this -> bot -> guildname;
$alrank .= "|" . $player[2];
my problem is if the player is in the pg, it is reading their rank and applying it to the guildname of the bot. Of course this doesn't work if the bot in question is a raid bot, as there is no guildid. Is there a way of getting the guild information out of the player itself and what would that be?