BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Development => Coding and development discussion => Topic started by: Snarfblatt on August 23, 2007, 07:17:01 pm
Has anyone else noticed that bio.xml is now located at rather than or
I had to go through and change this in the Whois.php, Whois-update.php, and Roster.php. Will this affect anything else?
I attached the files I changed.
I love the way FC tells us coder what's changed...
Thanks for pointing those out, I'll update SVN right away.
Only found core/Roster and core/Whois affected, files are updated in SVN versions.
Updated the script for outside updates of the whois table too.
Does this have anything to do with the new Bot.Php as well ?
Has anyone else noticed that bio.xml is now located at rather than or
I had to go through and change this in the Whois.php, Whois-update.php, and Roster.php. Will this affect anything else?
I attached the files I changed.
$cron["24hour"][] = &$roster_core;
class Roster_Core
var $bot;
var $schema_version;
function Roster_Core (&$bot)
I get the errors in theese lines 78 in roster core, that is function Roster_Core(&$bot)
and it still wont update roster, I've now placed the updated bot.php in the source folder to see if this was affecting it but same error all over..
Which version of bebot are you running?
[24-Aug-2007 07:49:53] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Roster_Core in C:\Bebot\modules\Roster.php on line 74
Changed Roster.php to SVN version (Which says is 4 weeks old)
[24-Aug-2007 07:49:57] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Whois_Core in C:\Bebot\modules\Whois.php on line 108
Also changed whois.php to SVN version (4 Weeks old again)
Bot can now boot. New files are fatally attacking my bot :(
You got the core files Roster.php and Whois.php twice somewhere in your bot. Did you copy the downloaded files into the modules directory? The files with the same name in there are the user backends for the core files.
Thanks for pointing out where to put em :P Now one can only hope for FC to do what you did in shorter time lol... *sigh* Thank you for your patience :P and Thanks again for uber (now working after my blunders) bot :D
You got the core files Roster.php and Whois.php twice somewhere in your bot. Did you copy the downloaded files into the modules directory? The files with the same name in there are the user backends for the core files.
You got it in one. My bad, many apologies :(
So this is why.... resolves to a different server so maybe they finally split an area for the bots to hammer without affecting their other services? Several years to late on that one? ::)