Well the svn version wasnt able to do what I was wanting it to so I modified the irc.php file to do what I wanted..
I need a lang filter and a way to stop long text and scripts from going out over to the IRC channel.. and also I wanted to have everything completly raw in the IRC channel.. no strings being replace (had to do this one for the items to work, when someone posted an item you couldnt click on it after it went through the string replacements, I know there is prob a better way but this works for us for right now)
Would like to have it in readable format on the IRC channel and reconverted back the way it is suppose to be.. even have items links work.. but for now that is beyound me, since I am still learning.. But who ever is incharge of the irc.php can maybe take what I did and add to it..
The lang filter you can turn on/off in game.. !irc filter on/off so you can have it or not.. up to you..
I also changed the PGROUP to Guest.. to many people in the differnt orgs where getting confused as to what pgroup was..
This was modified on an older version of irc.php I noticed there were some updates on the svn since I did this..
http://metanyt.homeip.net:8888/aof/Thank you Khalem, and Riyn (rk1) for all the help.. Learned a little bit doing this.. now I am addicted.. Thx u2..