BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Development => Coding and development discussion => Topic started by: Chaoz on October 04, 2009, 11:09:02 am

Title: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Chaoz on October 04, 2009, 11:09:02 am
Seems that FC have changed the login authentication interface (again) in their latest patch on TestLive.

RPC_TERRITORY_LOGINCHARACTER has now changed from 3 to 6 arguments.
UInt32,String,String, UInt32,UInt32,UInt32.

In the Conan Chat client I write 0 in the 3 last uints and I haven't seen any issues with it so far.

I've poked a bit into the 0.6.5 release and these are the changes in Sources/AOChat.php

line 766:
$outPacket = new RPCPacket("out", RPC_TERRITORY_LOGINCHARACTER, array($this->char["id"], "", $lang, 0, 0, 0) );

line 2167:
(string)RPC_TERRITORY_LOGINCHARACTER   => array("name"=>"Login Character",            "args"=>"ISSIII"))

It also seems that when I connect to Live with the extra arguments the chatserver does not care about them, since it will try to read the 3 first anyway and skip the rest.


Rayek - Level 80 Priest of Mitra @ Hyrkania
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Getrix on October 27, 2009, 03:49:43 pm
Confirmed working as fix for 1.05.6
Suggest to add this to svn and maybe release a stable version with it.
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: dillinger on October 27, 2009, 04:09:51 pm
Thats the solution for AoC Live, the Bot is now able to log in!

Thanx guys!

Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Margon on October 27, 2009, 04:11:42 pm
thank you :D
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: winx49 on October 27, 2009, 04:47:23 pm
Still getting warning message error while reading RPC header and packet is not an object, could anybody upload their new AOChat.php for bebot 0.6.5
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Xilly on October 27, 2009, 05:06:11 pm
Seems to have fixed it for me too. Now I only have to wait for the authentication server to come online to verify it ... grrr
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Jep on October 27, 2009, 05:47:56 pm
could anybody upload their new AOChat.php for bebot 0.6.5

Yes please.
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Getrix on October 27, 2009, 05:54:37 pm
Fixed file for BeBot 0.6.5
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: keirou on October 27, 2009, 07:09:09 pm
made the changes listed -- still gettings errors

replaced the php with the new one

same errors
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Huesos on October 27, 2009, 07:10:13 pm
that link php file doesn't work for me , totally not
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Huesos on October 27, 2009, 07:35:39 pm
got it paste in sources folder lol ...  dont skim read lol
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: sandman on October 27, 2009, 07:59:05 pm
got issues with replacing that file, but after i discovered that FF saved the file incorrectly. it added lots of [span] and [/span] in the file and that made the bot go crazy. fixed it by opening the file in FF and copy and paste all the info to an empty .txt file on my computer.

but i now i have these new things popping up in the console, "Total Count:" and "Total: 1"
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Drizzurdeen on October 27, 2009, 08:53:14 pm
@getrix ... thanks for the patched AOChat.php file but it dont work on my bot -.- .... i changed the existing aochat file in the /soruce folder ... but the bot wouldn't log in ... where is my mistake ???

here ist the log:

Warning: dir(./core/AOCHAT_GAME/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/obsibot/Skynet1/Main.php on line 231

Fatal error: Call to a member function read() on a non-object in /home/obsibot/Skynet1/Main.php on line 232
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Getrix on October 27, 2009, 10:08:55 pm
You cant download or save the file i linked because:

The PHPS file type is primarily associated with 'PHP Source' by The PHP Group. Generally, PHP files will get interpreted by the Web server and PHP executable, and you will never see the code behind the PHP file. If you make the file extension .PHPS, a properly-configured server will output a color-formated version of the source instead of the HTML that would normally be generated. Not all servers are so configured.

Copy the text and past it into your file.
This fix works for 0.6.6-dev. Not running any 0.6.5 so cant confirm if it works for it but i changed same lines for 0.6.5 and thats what i have linked in this topic.

Looks like you have done something else.. You are missing a file, so dunno what you have been up to..
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Runemy on October 27, 2009, 11:50:20 pm
Not running any 0.6.5 so cant confirm if it works for it but i changed same lines for 0.6.5 and thats what i have linked in this topic.
Confirming that the fixed file is working for 0.6.5
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Chaoz on October 28, 2009, 12:38:21 am
Good good :)
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: DJKRose on October 28, 2009, 12:40:01 am
Thank you for your fix, Chaoz!

I tested it (working!) and added it to the repository (trunk + 0.6). Lets hope, a hotfix release can come out soon.

Thanks again,
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Drizzurdeen on October 28, 2009, 08:51:49 am
line 766:
$outPacket = new RPCPacket("out", RPC_TERRITORY_LOGINCHARACTER, array($this->char["id"], "", $lang, 0, 0, 0) );

line 2167:
(string)RPC_TERRITORY_LOGINCHARACTER   => array("name"=>"Login Character",            "args"=>"ISSIII"))

kk ... done a look on my aochat.php and found the lines ... but do i have to add the postet code or do i have to change the posted code ???

i attached my aktual AOChat.php ... maybe one of the bebot gurus *G* could give a look on it ...

don't know how i use the workaround ... sory for that
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: snyder on October 28, 2009, 10:50:38 am
put on those lines that code (replace existing), simple. works for me
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: keirou on October 28, 2009, 10:52:30 am
got all 5 bots up and running again.
getrix can you confirm that they are sending item links still?
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Yite on October 28, 2009, 11:41:44 am
I got a couple of worldwide new responses yesterday (halloween items) after changing my aochat (using Getrix' db) so I would assume everything is still working fine :)
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Drizzurdeen on October 28, 2009, 12:30:07 pm
kk maybe i'm to stupid ... could someone change my aochat.php file PLEASE ... cause i don't find the codes in my fille -.-

or someone could post a working file ... for bebot 6.3 would be very nice ;)

thx Drizzurdeen
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Getrix on October 28, 2009, 01:40:19 pm
It would be easier if you upgraded your BeBot to latest... Your version (0.6.3) is as i remember the one that was not working with 1.05 and needed to be hacked before 0.6.5 with working version was released...

I can see Set and Cimmerian global bots have been submitting items. So looks good

Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Drizzurdeen on October 28, 2009, 04:38:53 pm
kk done the update to 6.5 ... works fine now ...
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: ronsu on October 28, 2009, 06:51:53 pm
It seems to be working fine. Thanks.
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Akiiras on October 29, 2009, 11:36:37 am
MP works fine, thanks.
Title: Re: Login changes in AOC 1.5.6 patch
Post by: Khalem on October 29, 2009, 12:07:24 pm
Will release 0.6.6 as soon as i am able.

@school atm. Studies have been crazy the past few weeks.
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