BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Development => Coding and development discussion => Topic started by: lulifuz on August 29, 2007, 05:54:01 pm
Hi there,
in my guestlist only the char-IDs are stored (for what reason ever).
Is there a way to retrive the char name?
I have tried the get_uname function from AOChat.php but most of the time I get a -1 returned.
Does somebody have an idea about this or is there any other way to get the name?
Thank you all.
There are only two ways to get character names out of IDs:
- Use the get_uname() - but this will only work if the ID is of a character on the buddy list. It may work for characters that were checked via get_uid() since the last time the bot was started, but not 100% sure here.
- Use some database of IDs that got the name. A modern and updated whois cache may work, but anything else too.
If none of that is available there sadly is no way that I know of.
Thanks Alreadythere.
If there was some online cache you would have mentioned it, I assume.
I was hoping there was a connection like with the org ID on the FC website.
Maybe I can make a list of the 'most likely' candidates and try my luck.
get_uid() calls are fairly cheap, so if you can narrow it down a bit make a list of character names, put them into some table, and just look all the ids up.