* Why was this added? Is it documented anywhere?
* - Khalem
if(empty($ao_password) || $ao_password == "")
$fp = fopen('./conf/pw', 'r');
if ($fp)
$ao_password = fread($fp, filesize('./conf/pw'));
$fp = fopen('./conf/pw', 'w');
fwrite($fp, "");
else if(empty($ao_password) || $ao_password == "")
die("No password set in either ./conf/" . $conffile . " or in ./conf/pw");
This was Added after forum request for the ability to type the password in as the bot loaded
there is a topic some were :p
it basicly asks when it starts, and crash / restart is ok as it stores the password in StartBot.php
sends to main.php useing the code above
think this was mainly some security issue some 1 may of been worried about to do with there password
probably AoC as they dont have froobs
so i added a method of not storeing the password