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Development => Coding and development discussion => Topic started by: Alreadythere on November 11, 2008, 06:55:52 am

Title: cURL and other non-default php extensions
Post by: Alreadythere on November 11, 2008, 06:55:52 am
There is an option to use libcURL to read websites in the Tools module right now, instead of the old way using direct socket connection. I haven't looked into cURL myself yet, but using a dedicated library there should be several advantages.

There is one thing worrying me though.

For all people that can manage their own linux server there shouldn't be much trouble to install libcurl and the curl php extension. Even if it's not default for php, most extensions relying on a third-party library aren't. EDIT: Ok, the php extension is in the full php download package, I guess you only need to enable it in php.ini and put the cURL libraries into the php directory. Haven't tried it though.

People running bebot under windows won't have heard about cURL most of the time. And expect for a few rare cases won't have it installed at all. Even if it is on the system it needs to be activated in php at configuration time, and most people under windows don't bother with that.

Which brings me to my point:
I'm not sure we should support something like that in the bebot releases. For many users it will be too much trouble to run it, on top of having to install mysql already.

But if enough people wish the support of modules like cURL we can keep it as an option.

If I missed some arguments please add them, too early in the morning :)
Title: Re: cURL and other non-default php extensions
Post by: Vhab on November 11, 2008, 06:59:30 am
What I really missed in your post is, what is the advantage of using libCURL over the current web fetching method?
Title: Re: cURL and other non-default php extensions
Post by: Temar on November 11, 2008, 07:08:18 am
Curl: altho currently commented out code, 1 good thing about it is th ability to send authntication to website allow it to get pages from sites that require a login, this is the main reason i got interested in cURL in the 1st place, Plus is nice to have the Option
Title: Re: cURL and other non-default php extensions
Post by: Alreadythere on November 13, 2008, 06:18:54 pm
What I really missed in your post is, what is the advantage of using libCURL over the current web fetching method?
Good point there, I can't really answer it - Temar included it into trunk.

Which lead me to my question, I think it's the first non-default module used.
Title: Re: cURL and other non-default php extensions
Post by: Glarawyn on November 14, 2008, 06:23:58 pm
Which lead me to my question, I think it's the first non-default module used.

I've used some non-default modules in custom modules, but nothing that I ever put in trunk.  ;D
Title: Re: cURL and other non-default php extensions
Post by: Temar on November 14, 2008, 10:11:44 pm
well ofc it option but now with the aditional checks if the user doesnt have cURL the setting automaticly changes back :D
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