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Author Topic: Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.5]  (Read 48045 times)

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Offline Khalem

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.5]
« on: September 08, 2005, 05:31:10 am »
Development releases:
Please be warned that this is not a stable release codebase. If you are not familiar with MySQL and know how to edit your database DO NOT USE THIS RELEASE.
The codebase works for me without issues (unless otherwise stated in the changelog), but that doesnt mean it will work just fine for you.
The next stable release will be 0.4.0, again see changelog for details on version numbering convention.

Report issues and discuss this release in this thread.

[BeBot 0.3.5 Zip Archive]
[BeBot 0.3.5 Tar.gz Archive]

The php bundle have been split into its own branch as its only needed by windows users, and it will generally be updated less often than the bot core.
[PHP Bundle]

You can also get the latest and greatest directly from the subversion repository using a subversion client.
Repository is located at:
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Example using the linux command line client:
Code: [Select]
svn co BeBot

Please note that the code in the repository might not always be functional, but usually the repository should contain functional, although untested code.


Version 0.3.5
- added missing default access rights
- added ban manager module to handle bans outside of blacklisting
- added banned_for and banned_until fields to user table (table gets updated automatically) for more flexible bans
- added optional informative message telling how to disable autoinvite to automatically invited characters
- user group(s) which should be per default marked for autoinvite on adding can be selected (none, members, guests, both)
- only setting defaults for receive_* if new user is guest or member, no longer for anonymous users
- Allow users to remove deleted characters from their alt lists.
- Check that the character we are checking alts for actually exsists.
- Fixed several issues with flexible security.
- Help updated for all modules that needed it.
- The Say module now outputs to the correct channels.
- The bot command character is now optional in tells, behaviour can be controlled by settings.
- Some minor fixes to AOChat library to deal with issues on certain PHP versions.
- Global settings array removed, replaced by $this -> bot -> settings -> get($module, $setting).
- Settings functions are now accessed via $this -> bot -> settings -> function() instead of $this -> bot -> set -> function()
- added pseudo-channel "all" to accesscontrol -> create(), to set rights for tell, pgmsg and gc at once
- Extended $this -> bot -> send_help() to accept an optinal command paramater.
- Legacy security checks removed from all modules.
- Security.php, Settings.php, and AccessControl.php are loaded before all other modules to satisfy dependencies.
- added $command["tells"] to catch any unhandled tells if wanted
- Raid roster properly using notitify field instead of user_level for buddy list
- fixed broken [whois] in memberslist
- removed defunct custom/help/ folder
- Extened functionality of running mutiple bots out of a single directory structure to allow per bot MySQL configurations.
- An "official" branch to improve BeBot 0.4 raidbot functionality was created.
- showing alts and blacklist info can be disabled by settings now
- Updated $this -> table_suffix to $this -> table_prefix (now if there is no prefix specified in MySQL.conf, it defaults to botname_tablename).
- Updated license to disallow redistributing BeBot under GPL versions other than version 2.
- Added option to enable/disable security for the Alts command. This will prevent you from adding alts with higher access level than you if Security -> usealts is enabled.
  It will also prevent you from using alts admin to add alts to someone with higher access level than yourself. Defaults to on for security reasons. Contributed by Chris96
- Removed non alt related info from fancy alts output (make_info_blob).
- Added optional parameter to show_alt function to allow returning of results without creating a chat_blob.
- Added option to enable a detailed whois view instead of the old Alts window. Enabled by default.
- Added options to display links and options in detailed whois view.
- Added make_chatcommand to Bot.php to allow for easy creation of chat command links. Moved from ShortCutsGUI.
- Fixed a bug in IRC relay where we would unset the wrong cronjob upon disabling IRC relay.
- Fixed a bug in the tablename cache causing excessive queries.
- Added a trigger check to see if we needed to check the database in Logon_Notifies to avoid uneccecary database queries.
- Disabled AutoMessage module by default as it is not needed for most people and only adds uneccecary database queries.
- Moved lastseen update from core/Roster.php to core/OnlineDB.php to keep online tracking in one core module.
- Roster update is now only run on startup if more than 6 hours passed since the last successfull update.
- Make sure we ignore output from the bot itself.
- Ignoring bot output from pgroup and gmsg channels now, no need to handle bot output as input again.
- Added global FormatString for gmdate() calls throughout the bot as setting.
- Added info about existing last_seen entries to !is output.
- Moved cronjobs of BanManager and Blacklist modules from 1min to 5min intervals.
- Added option to disable logon spam entirely.
- Caching all queries for alts and mains.

Version 0.3.4
- Important note for module developers
  Due to character id's now being 2^31 in size and how the bot deals with this, you must remember to use the int_to_string and string_to_int whenever
  you want to work with the "real" character id's. Internally the bot will happily churn on using overflowed integers that goes negative.
  Remember also to convert any "real" character id's back to an overflowed integer before passing something back to the bot to handle internally.
  Database entries will be stored with the overflowed integer value, NOT the "real" character id's.
- This version adds tablename prefix support:
  - Add new configuration entries to MySQL.conf
  - You MUST manually alter the tablenames before starting this version or start with an empty database.
    Alternatively you can set the prefix to be blank.
  - ALL MySQL queries must be updated in custom modules to make use of table prefixes.
    Table names should now be referenced as: #___name where #___ will automatically be replaced with
    the correct prefix by the bot during runtime.
- Bot.php, MySQL.php and AOCHAT.php have been moved into the subdirectory Sources.
  Please take care to remove the old files in the root directory after upgrading if installing to
  the same directory.
- main.php has been renamed Main.php.
- start.php has been renamed StartBot.php.
- start.bat has been renamed StartDebugBot.bat.
- StartBot.bat has been added and will allow the bot to automatically reconnect if disconnected or crashed.
- Rooster_GUILD.php and Rooster_RAID.php have been renamed to Roster.php and is now a core module.
  Be sure to disable/remove the old Rooster_* modules.
- _Colors.php renamed to, _TeamsClass.php renamed to
- The function $this -> bot -> get_site has been completely rewritten
  with inspiration by ShadowGod's AOXML class and comments:
  - The likelyhood of get_site causing the bot to hang should be eliminated completely now.
    The timeout has been reduced to 20 seconds total and can be overridden using additional parameters.
  - The function will now return full error messages allowing plugins that use it to return
    more sensible errors to the end users (Whois plugin is a good example)
  - The return data has changed from a string to an array. See Bot.php headers for details.
- The bot now has a built in whois function with cache, the function is $this -> bot -> whois -> lookup,
  written mainly by Alreadythere.
  See core/WhoisCache.php headers for more information.
- Que.php has been renamed to Queue.php and all its functions and variables has been renamed accordingly.
- The directories custom/modules/, custom/core/ and custom/help will now also be read by the bot on startup allowing
  separation between original and custom modules for the bot along with help files.
- News.php has gotten settings that are configurable by the new settings module
- MassMsg.php has gotten a setting that is configurable by the new settings module
- Alts.php has gotten new (optional) fancy output

- Bot now consistantly uses long opening tags in all files.
- Fixed a crash in AlienAttack_GUILD module triggered if the bot had not witnessed any city events.
  Reported by Dabaron @ BeBot Forum.
- Fix a bug causing the wrong faction to be written to the database for tower war outcomes.
  Reported by Dabaron @ BeBot Forum.
- Better error logging for php enabled. Writes errors to ./log/php_errors.txt
- Added more events to AlienAttack_GUILD module from Xenixa.
- Fixed a bug in AlienAttack_GUILD module where it would never set $this -> type = "repeat";
  Also decreased the interval at which the bot complain about the cloaking device still being disabled.
- Multiple modules updated to make use of the new whois cache.
- Blacklist module will now allow you to remove characters from blacklist that has been deleted or renamed.
- LogonNotify_GUILD.php is now enabled by default.
- Only display commands that the user has access to in help.
  Idea by MatHack @ BeBot Forum.
- Added Angels AOChat hack to fix the "not expecting login" issues without the need for aokex.
- Backport latest AOChat library (excluding the new queue) making it php 4 compatible.
- Bot will now correctly connect to Rimor (RK3) without the need to alter the source.
- We now take steps to ensure that we do not keep the username and password in memory after we have connected.
- Fix multiple crashes in points module.
- All file headers have been updated.
- Added Credits file containing aknowledgements.
- Updated About module.
- The server load module will now work correctly on Testserver (RK0) and Die Neue Welt (RK3)
- Fixed a bug in the TowerAttack module leading to a MySQL error if the bot fails to lookup a player.
- Fixed a bug where a guild member would remain on the Online list if they where online when they where removed from the guild (/org leave).
- Added a workaround for BotHelp overflowing the max blob character count on bots with large number of commands enabled.
- Fix a bug in the Bid module causing bot to crash if someone with no raid_points entry tries to bid.
- Increase default max_blobsize to 12000.
- Added new core command send_permission_denied($to, $command, $type) to send command permission denied errors to users.
- Synched Level information with Helpbot. Graciously provided by Vhab :)
- Added the bot functions int_to_string and string_to_int to convert between int and string and converting overflowed integers to unsigned integer string values
  and vice versa.
- Fix an issue with !calc throwing errors if $result == 0.
- Org Roster update also updates whois cache data.
- Whois lookups automaticaly fall back to Auno if lookup fails.
- Team administration module works again and now also removes players that leave correctly.
- Updated History module.

Updated Modules:
- Updated Time module, see: 
- Updated Items module

New Modules:
- Added settings managment and interface:

Version 0.3.3
- Fixed a MySQL error in Admins.php.
- Fixed directory traversal security issue in the HELP module.
  Thanx to Somebotty @ for discovery and notification.
- PHP split into a separate branch to conserve bandwith and make download sizes more manageable.
- The log function have been changed so that if the second parameter is "Security" the event is logged
  to security.txt in the log directory and an alert is sendt to guildchat or private group.

New modules:
- Replaced old Items.php with new module by Vhab.

Version 0.3.2
- Really, really fix the "bot doesnt listen to org chat" bug.
- "Admin" should no longer erronously send error message when no parameter is given and admin list is displayed.
- Added Akarah's "Online" fancy format. Can be toggeled using the command: admin mode fancy/basic
- IRC relay updated to display new AO Mainframe URL for item links.
- Fixed a bug making !victory record the wrong loosing side.
- Renamed _ClassName.php to _ExampleModule.php and updated some examples.
- Bot should now work "out of the box" on windows provided you have MySQL setup.
- Eliminate another potential BeBot <-> BeBot spam loop.
- Removed Raids module as it is now merged into the News module.
- Fix issue with IRC module causing bot to refuse to startup if no server has been set.
- Fix the LogonNotify_GUILD module to actually send proper prefixed commands.
- Revamped how MySQL errors are handeled. Most notably the bot will now make a decent
  attempt at reconnecting to the database every 30 seconds or so when the database connection is lost.
  (The reconnect is only an issue for non local database servers)
  Output limiting has also been put in place to prevent more than 10 errors in 30 seconds from
  being displayed to prevent console/log floods.
- Raid_single renamed to Raid.
- New raid commands:
   raid add <name> - Adds a player to raid, regardless of lock status.
   raid command <message> - Creates easy to read text in pgroup
   c <message> - Alias for raid command.

New modules:
- Replaced GuildRelay module with Xenixa's modified GuildRelay module.
  Also incorporates Craized's Notify module.
- Replaced the News module with the updated news module by Xenixa

Database changes:
- "Admin" module now adds the description coloumn if missing.

Version 0.3.1

- Fixed a bug in Tier2 module. NT's should now qualify for the correct Wills.
- Raidleader is now a hardcoded access level with id 3.
  NB: If you had custom access levels added, you may need to correct the list as
  raidleader will be forcibly entered as entry with id 3, replacing any old entry with the same ID.
- admin module works properly again. Reported by Akarah
- Various typos and spelling errors fixed.
- "TowerAttack" module updated to handle new tower attack messages. - Xenixa
- Ensured that the TowerAttack module wont break when Funcom gets around to tokenize the rest of the tower attack messages.
  AOChat will still be required to carry out the actual convertion before it will work when it happens however.
- Added cronjobs for: 1, 5, 10 and 30 seconds and 3, 6 and 18 hours. - Xenixa
- Added alias "Cloak" for "City" in the AlienAttack_GUILD module and updated how the information is displayed. - Akarah
- Fixed a bug in cut_size in Bot.php - Wolfbiter
- Bot no longer enables guild relay on startup if guild relay is disabled.

Version 0.3.0

- New version number convention. Major.Minor.Patchlevel, where even
  Minor numbers denote stable releases and odd numbers denote development releases.
- Added setting in Bot.conf to allow guild relay to activate upon login.
- Bot now ignores tells with messages indicating they are from another BeBot asking
  to send "/tell <botname> <prefix>help".
  This makes it less likely to end up in a tell loop with another bot.
- The command admin with no arguments now provides a list of all admins.
- The "online" command now shows Ailien levels, AFK status and SuperAdmin/Admin/Raidleader status.
- Logon/off notices are now relayed over the guild relay (This is still partly broken though)
- Levels module updated with new pvp ranges.
- The "news" command now displays the time and date of the last updated news item without having
  to open the chat blob.
- The Points module has been updated to allow the two following commands:
  points <name> - Display the points of a single member
  points top25 - Display the top25 points
- Fixed a bug allowing someone to crash the bot using "invite"

New modules:
- Added Khalem's LogonNotify module which sends Online, News and Raids to guildmembers logging in.
- Added Foxferal' History module.
- Added Foxferal's Blackist module.
- Added Foxferal's Raids module.
- Added Craized's AFK module.
- Added Alreadythere's custom rights management module.
  You can now control who can access what commands using the "commands" command.
  Please note however that some modules might impose their own access restrictions
  in addition.
- Added Blondengy's IRC module.
- Added Derroylo's Pocketboss and Symbiants module.
- Added Zacix's Teams module.
- Added Sabar's Tier2 raid module.

Database changes:
- admin_groups have a new field named: description VARCHAR(80)
- news have a new field named: time INT NOT NULL
  Value of id needs to be moved to time, and a new id assigned.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 11:59:39 pm by Khalem »
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin

Offline Alreadythere

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2005, 01:15:33 pm »
I've done some modifications for the bebot based raidbots I host, perhaps you want to include some of it into your release (after a quick read through of the diff file I don't think my modifications will clash that much with yours).

Things I did are:

1) Add a master table that holds all table names. The name of the master table is {$botname}_tablenames, but is configurable in Bot.conf. All other table names are hold in the table only, including information if they use a prefix or suffix (both default to $botname). Added get_tablename() function to the Bot class. Did all this because I'm running more then one bebot, and didn't fancy making a database for each bot. Besides, it allows me to share some tables over bots if wished or needed. Like two raidbots for one org, which use the same adminlist, banlist, access rights.
Modified the files I need to use the tablenames out of the database.

2) Moved colors out of config file into the settings table - I mean, we got it, why not use it? Besides, needing to restart the bot just because I want to change a color got tiresome. To simplify the access to settings I added get_/set_setting() wrapper to Bot class.

3) Wrote an access rights management for all commands. As it is anchored in the inc_(tell|pgsmg|gmsg) functions, it will handle all commands, even those I don't have/know about. Access rights are saved in a table, and based on groups (Admingroups/Member/Guests). Just if you want different access rights for subcommands, you will need to do that in files, this module doesn't handle them.

4) Heavily modified the PrivGroup.php (based on this modification). Access can now be restricted based on faction and/or level, you can add orgs that should be treated as members (without adding them to the members table), you can even set the bot free for all (so all are treated as members). All without restarting the bot. Added a banlist. Added !kickall (needed a slight modification to AOChat, as in the kickall a parameter was missing).

Only thing missing in most of my modifications is fancy in-game GUIs, I do the changes directly in the db using phpMyAdmin.

If anyone has interest in my addons I'll go around and make them available as diff against the 0211 code, and as zip with the whole files.
All works with php 4.3.

Offline Alreadythere

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2005, 05:21:21 pm »
Even though nobody posted here the files:

diff file
all modified files as tgz

Two slight warning though:
1) I just uploaded the core files, if you use my default settings for table names you won't be able to use most modules without modifying. To do that, set prefix to false for all tables in the mastertable (or directly edit main.php before starting)
2) As I only use the bots as raidbots I commented out a few guildchannel commands, and didn't write a default access setting for guildchannel. As the setting command_default defaults to false you won't be able to use a single command in guild chat before adding those rights.

Offline Khalem

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2005, 08:01:07 am »
Thanx, i'll have a look at things when i get the time :)
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin

Offline Zarkingu

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2005, 03:19:47 pm »
Quote from: "Alreadythere"
Even though nobody posted here the files:

diff file
all modified files as tgz

Two slight warning though:
1) I just uploaded the core files, if you use my default settings for table names you won't be able to use most modules without modifying. To do that, set prefix to false for all tables in the mastertable (or directly edit main.php before starting)
2) As I only use the bots as raidbots I commented out a few guildchannel commands, and didn't write a default access setting for guildchannel. As the setting command_default defaults to false you won't be able to use a single command in guild chat before adding those rights.

Trying to set my bot up with these modifications, but not sure I understand what to edit in main.php to get it to work. Care to explain abit more what to modify to get it to work properly?
Zarkingu 210 MP RK2

Offline Alreadythere

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 04:36:51 pm »
In my main.php I got the following:
Code: [Select]
Prepare the MySQL database
$db -> query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . $master_table . "(internal_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, table_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL," . " use_prefix VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false', use_suffix VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false')");

// add the default settings, if not existing
$db -> query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $master_table . " (internal_name, table_name, use_prefix, use_suffix) VALUES ('prefix', '" . strtolower($bot_name) . "', 'false', 'false')");
$db -> query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $master_table . " (internal_name, table_name, use_prefix, use_suffix) VALUES ('suffix', '" . strtolower($bot_name) . "', 'false', 'false')");
$db -> query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . $master_table . " (internal_name, table_name, use_prefix, use_suffix) VALUES ('settings', 'settings', 'true', 'false')");

followed by more lines like the last.
Those INSERTs create all the default names for tables. It's Internalname (used for my get_tablename() command), tablename in the database, and then whether prefix or suffix is used.
The prefix/suffix lines just define what is used as default prefix and suffix (botname).

So if you want some custom table names, you need to edit this file before first start, or edit the entries in the mastertable with something like phpmyadmin.

Offline Zarkingu

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2005, 05:29:03 pm »
Ah I see.
Started the bot with defualt names and it worked fine :)

Stumbled on another problem though, kinda related to the same.

Added your topic module, but get an error message when trying to launch bot with that activated.

(Table 'testbot.settings' doesn't exist)

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in D:\Servers\Bots\Testbot\modules\topic.php on line 46

I checked if the table settings actually existed and it does. Any ideas what could be wrong here?
Zarkingu 210 MP RK2

Offline kinbaku

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2005, 07:24:00 pm »
Quote from: "rogerDAT"

Added your topic module, but get an error message when trying to launch bot with that activated.

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in D:\Servers\Bots\Testbot\modules\topic.php on line 46

I get this same problem when i try to use it. I am also unable to find the problem myself.

Offline Alreadythere

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2005, 01:22:17 am »
Found the error in line 46, corrected version in the other thread.

Moved the get_setting function, and forgot to adapt the call for database access.

Offline Alreadythere

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2005, 01:24:49 am »
Quote from: "rogerDAT"
Added your topic module, but get an error message when trying to launch bot with that activated.

(Table 'testbot.settings' doesn't exist)

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in D:\Servers\Bots\Testbot\modules\topic.php on line 46

I checked if the table settings actually existed and it does. Any ideas what could be wrong here?

For the error check post above or topic thread.

The warning about the settings table could happen if you use my posted topic module, and my modified bot with get_tablename function. They can only work together if you set prefix for settings to false (is true in my standard version). I back-coded the module for the general bot :)

Offline Zarkingu

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2005, 03:03:37 am »
I changed the prefix for settings to false and updated the topic module, but still get the same error as before. :(
Zarkingu 210 MP RK2

Offline Alreadythere

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2005, 09:41:26 am »
Blame my late-night editing - actually removed one error, but missed the (exectly duplicat) error in line 46. Should work now.

Offline Khalem

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Bebot 0.3.x Development [release 0.3.0]
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2005, 05:53:27 pm »
Small update.

Getting closer to 3.0 now

I still need to add some community provided changes, and finish my database changes.
Some of these changes will require you to start out with a fresh table in some cases for certain modules, and i'd like to keep breakage to a minumum by doing it in one version instead of having to go trough it little by little.
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin

Offline Sabkor

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One suggestion
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2005, 06:24:47 pm »
Could I get you to add the following to the settings table, please?

ShortDesc - A VARCHAR that contains a short user-friendly name of setting (example: Points to Main:)
LongDesc - A VARCHAR that contains a long description of the setting (example: With this setting on, all raid-points are transfered to the players main character, providing they have setup their alts. With it off, each character has it's own points pool.)
Type - A VARCHAR that contains the type of variable (example: ONOFF) Other Types would include NUMERIC and STRING.
DefaultOptions - A VARCHAR that contains the defaults (semi-colon separated) to be displayed to the admin when providing click links for them. This would only be used for NUMERIC or STRING types.
Group - A VARCHAR that contains the name of a settings grouping (example: Raid Setup)

What I would be using this for would be a dynamic settings panel allowing the admin to click settings. The type would allow me to present clickable options easily to the user. If all people writing modules filled out these fields, it would be much easier for the user. It would be much easier if these were in the "base" BeBot for me, as then module programmers would more likely fill them out ;)

Because of this, I would also like to see all settings create themselves on startup, even if they stay at the default value, not just if the defaults are changed.

Offline Sabkor

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« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2005, 06:25:28 pm »
Oh, and another thing, if you'd rather me do the work and mail you the code, let me know that too ;)


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