Development > Coding and development discussion

AOChat Lib for Java

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this may be a bit OT, but only a bit ;)    otherwise delete this

I'm searching an up to date msg-parser or whole chat lib for AO in java or c/c++.
with the lib i used so far i can login to the server and get some input, but the parser isnt realy useful and the modul terminates because of io exceptions..

and because this thread is titled "AOChat Lib for Java" i wonder, if this lib is also useable for AO too

if not, can someone post a link or something else where i can find something like this ?

It think it shouldnt be a problem to rewrite this lib to work with AO aswell.
I developed the lib to be dynamic, you simply have to rewrite a ServerCommunicator in my lib and add the AO specific Msges to the EMessageDef Enum. Then add the communicator to the comm list and remove the aoc communicators.

But right now it wont work with AO, cause its written for AOC.
I Cant do it, i dont have an AO account, so i cannot test.

@Heinz64 I have a bot framework I've written in java that I might work for you.  can you explain a little more what you are trying to do?

i try to write a framework in java with botmanager, separation of chat modules (like ao, aoc, irc, any other chat protocol you write a module for), bot modules ( the active part in the framework) and function modules ( providing services for the bots) and the possibility to (un-)load them without restarting the framework or even a single bot. with using multithreading this should be nearly endless scaleable .. your computer or may be the central dispatcher should be the only limitation.

in this way, a single bot can have multiples chat modules, e.g. for better spamming announces, relay between orgs, servers, games, chat protocols, what ever you want ..


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