Development > Coding and development discussion

1.06: Chat dimension changes

(1/12) > >>

Ok i know its still TestLive, but it doesnt hurt to be one step ahead for the patch to go live ;)

I didnt do much resource on last time it changed (1.05) so i dont have the knowledge to get make the changes without help or hints.

The error i get is:

--- Quote ---Bebot [2009-12-11 14:04:15]     [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Authenticating

Warning: unpack(): Type n: not enough input, need 2, have 0 in D:\Path\Sources\AOChat.php on line 508

Warning: array_pop(): The argument should be an array in D:\Path\Sources\AOChat.php on line 509

Warning: unpack(): Type N: not enough input, need 4, have 0 in D:\Path\Sources\AOChat.php on line 513

Warning: array_pop(): The argument should be an array in D:\Path\AOChat.php on line 514

Unsupported rpcpacket type (in, )

Warning: RPC_UNIVERSE_CHALLENGE: Error in logininfo, [ServerSeed:] [Username:NICK] [Password:10] in D:\Path\Sources\AOChat.php on line 701
Bebot [2009-12-11 14:04:15]     [CONN]  [ERROR] Failed authenticating to server.
Retrying in 60 seconds.
The bot is restarting.
--- End quote ---

Whats on the line:

--- Quote ---Warning: unpack(): Type n: not enough input, need 2, have 0 in D:\Path\Sources\AOChat.php on line 508
--- End quote ---

--- Code: ---$temparray = unpack("n",$data);
--- End code ---

--- Quote ---Warning: array_pop(): The argument should be an array in D:\Path\Sources\AOChat.php on line 509
--- End quote ---

--- Code: ---$len = array_pop($temparray);
--- End code ---

--- Quote ---Warning: unpack(): Type N: not enough input, need 4, have 0 in D:\Path\Sources\AOChat.php on line 513
--- End quote ---

--- Code: ---$temparray = unpack("N", $data);
--- End code ---

--- Quote ---Warning: array_pop(): The argument should be an array in D:\Path\AOChat.php on line 514
--- End quote ---

--- Code: ---$type  = array_pop($temparray);
--- End code ---

--- Quote ---Unsupported rpcpacket type (in, )
--- End quote ---

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---

--- Quote ---Warning: RPC_UNIVERSE_CHALLENGE: Error in logininfo, [ServerSeed:] [Username:NICK] [Password:10] in D:\Path\Sources\AOChat.php on line 701
--- End quote ---

--- Code: ---trigger_error("RPC_UNIVERSE_CHALLENGE: Error in logininfo, [ServerSeed:".$this->serverseed."] [Username:".$this->username."] [Password:". strlen($this->password)."]",E_USER_WARNING);
--- End code ---


We tested the bot out on Testlive and seems they changed the login seed again...

--- Code: ---Bot [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Authenticating
Warning: unpack(): Type n: not enough input, need 2, have 0 in /home/bebot/bebotTL/Sources/AOChat.php on line 508
Warning: array_pop(): The argument should be an array in /home/bebot/bebotTL/Sources/AOChat.php on line 509
Warning: unpack(): Type N: not enough input, need 4, have 0 in /home/bebot/bebotTL/Sources/AOChat.php on line 513
Warning: array_pop(): The argument should be an array in /home/bebot/bebotTL/Sources/AOChat.php on line 514
Unsupported rpcpacket type (in, )

Warning: RPC_UNIVERSE_CHALLENGE: Error in logininfo, [ServerSeed:] [Username:*******] [Password:9] in /home/bebot/bebotTL/Sources/AOChat.php on line 701
Bot [CONN]  [ERROR] Failed authenticating to server. Retrying in 60 seconds.

--- End code ---

Allready started the discussion around this here:,2118.0.html

Ah yes. Sorry for double posting.


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