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Author Topic: !news security?  (Read 13353 times)

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Offline uberjon

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!news security?
« on: May 14, 2011, 08:28:44 pm »
A while back I had an issue with a guild member, adding random crap to the guild news. Rather  than let him annoy everyone, I proceeded to edit the command permissions

Code: [Select]
$this -> register_command('all', 'news', 'GUEST', array('add'=>'MEMBER'));
$this -> register_command('all', 'headline', 'GUEST', array('add'=>'ADMIN'));
(lines 70-71)

to something like:

Code: [Select]
$this -> register_command('all', 'news', 'GUEST', array('add'=>'ADMIN'));
$this -> register_command('all', 'headline', 'GUEST', array('add'=>'ADMIN'));

Simple fix, right? Nope.. to my amazement somehow, he was still able to add news as he pleased, without being an admin on the bot. Long story short, I disabled the module for a while (was busy). And recently took a look..

Code: [Select]
function command_handler($name, $msg, $origin)
$com = $this->parse_com($msg);
case 'news':
return $this->sub_handler($name, $com, 1);
case 'headline':
return $this->sub_handler($name, $com, 2);
case 'raids':
return $this->sub_handler($name, $com, 3);
$this->error->set("News recieved unknown command '{$com['com']}'.");
return $this->error;

  function sub_handler($name, $com, $type)
case '':
case 'read':
if (($type == 1) || ($type == 2))
return $this->get_news($name);
return $this->get_raids($name);
case 'add':
return $this->set_news($name, $com['args'], $type);
case 'del':
case 'rem':
return $this->del_news($name, $com['args']);
//No keywords recognized. Assume that person in attempting to add news and forgot the "add" keyword
$news = "{$com['sub']} {$com['args']}";
return $this->set_news($name, $news, $type);

Based on that setup there, a guest (who has access to !news, but not !news add) could 'forget' to use the add portion and default to adding news without re-checking the command permissions!

To fix this, I edited a few things.

replace lines 70-71:
Code: [Select]
$this -> register_command('all', 'news', 'MEMBER', array('del'=>'ADMIN','rem'=>'ADMIN','add'=>'ADMIN'));
$this -> register_command('all', 'headline', 'MEMBER', array('add'=>'ADMIN'));

and replace lines 171-173:

Code: [Select]
// edited to not default to 'add' without checking permissions bad!! //No keywords recognized. Assume that person in attempting to add news and forgot the "add" keyword
return $this->get_news($name);

I hope this may be of some help. (and maybe something similar could be added into the next revision?)


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