Noctrish [2008-07-07 19:17:20] [ROSTER] [UPDATE] Starting roster update
Warning: socket_connect(): unable to connect
- : An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
in D:\0.5.2\main\14_Tools.php on line 137
Noctrish [2008-07-07 19:17:41] [ROSTER] [UPDATE] Roster update failed. Funcom XML returned 0 members.
Noctrish [2008-07-07 19:17:41] [GROUP] [MSG] [Nocturnal Fear] Noctrish: Bot is online ::: Roster update starting ::: System busy
Noctrish [2008-07-07 19:17:41] [GROUP] [MSG] [Nocturnal Fear] Noctrish: Roster update failed! Funcom XML returned 0 members ::: System ready
been having this error now for 2 days, any ide if it's at my end, or at FC's end ?
Only running 1 bot, but it tend to stay running even if i close the cmd window.
and my guess would be the !whois error ( Bot loosing connection ) but stil posting this, as i'm not sure.
also have it on tower attack and !whois
last small thing:
Noctrish [2008-07-08 15:06:25] [GROUP] [MSG] [Nocturnal Fear] Tradicol: !is zaker
Noctrish [2008-07-08 15:06:25] [BUDDY] [BUDDY-ADD] Zaker
Noctrish [2008-07-08 15:06:25] [BUDDY] [LOG] Zaker logged [off] (not on notify)
Noctrish [2008-07-08 15:06:26] [GROUP] [MSG] [Nocturnal Fear] Noctrish: Zaker is Offline
Noctrish [2008-07-08 15:06:27] [BUDDY QUEUE] [BUDDY_ERROR] Tried to remove Zaker as a buddy when they are not one.
[BUDDY_ERROR] Tried to remove Zaker as a buddy when they are not one. <-- anything to pay attention to ?