BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.5 support => Topic started by: Dontask on May 07, 2008, 01:43:41 am

Title: SQL Error
Post by: Dontask on May 07, 2008, 01:43:41 am
Warning: mysql_connect(): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorizat
ion packet', system error: 2 in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\
0.5.0\0.5.0\Sources\MySQL.php on line 122
MySQL error (# 0) on query: Cannot connect to the database server!

I'm getting that every few minutes. .4 worked completely fine, never a single SQL error... and it's the same database.
Title: Re: SQL Error
Post by: Nytridr on May 07, 2008, 02:29:44 am
I will second that error but I dont watch it for 4 mins.. If I do a restart it will have a few of those, then if you do another restart after that one.. you see nothing but this.

Code: [Select]
rsbot [ROSTER]  [UPDATE]        Roster update complete. Added 6 members and remo
ved 3 of which 3 was rerolled.

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10048) i
n C:\aobots\bebot test\Sources\MySQL.php on line 122
MySQL error (# 0) on query: Cannot connect to the database server!

rsbot [SETTINGS]        [SAVED] LastRosterUpdate for module members set to 12101
19923 as datatype int
rsbot [ROSTER]  [UPDATE]        Roster update complete. Added 0 members and remo
ved 0 of which 0 was rerolled.
Title: Re: SQL Error
Post by: Dontask on May 07, 2008, 02:32:04 am
What I meant was version .4 worked fine. I wasn't referring to minutes.

Furthermore, it is taking FOREVER to load up. When I say forever... I click on the .bat file and 20 minutes later it's functioning normally.
Title: Re: SQL Error
Post by: Nytridr on May 07, 2008, 02:36:53 am
What are you running?

PHP Version?
Mysql version?
If you have any custom files have you tried to start it up with out them in the mix?
Title: Re: SQL Error
Post by: Dontask on May 07, 2008, 05:24:02 am
No custom files... but I reinstalled EVERYTHING... including php... sql....all bot files.... etc and it seems to be working.
Title: Re: SQL Error
Post by: Nytridr on May 07, 2008, 05:46:22 am
very good to hear.. yea I had to actually do that a while back also, something got corrupted or something.. (or I messed with the wrong thing and didnt realize the impact of it..)  good to hear ya got it..
Title: Re: SQL Error
Post by: Blueeagle on May 07, 2008, 05:15:09 pm
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