BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.5 support => Topic started by: DarkGord on October 21, 2008, 05:19:26 am

Title: php_exec ?
Post by: DarkGord on October 21, 2008, 05:19:26 am
hi all!
I was under the impression of being able to run the bot of my hosted webspace since it offered me mysql database and php. however since i can't specify a direct path to the php.exe i am not able to mkae it run from there.
so first question is there a way to run the existent version of the bot from such a web host without any modefications? a trick? something i didn't think of ?

anyway after back and forth with the support of my web host i was told that the php executable can be accessed using php_exec, which is a design issue and therefore i should look for support on how to do it elsewhere since it was outside the scope of their support. so anyone has any idea how to go about that? or does a solution already exist that i wasn't able to spot?
Title: Re: php_exec ?
Post by: Temar on October 21, 2008, 05:41:44 am
webspace is not recomments nt only for security issues
its can be difficult i know from experiance
i was unable to get StartBot.php to work
howeva Main.php did
but with out StartBot.php if the bot crashed or restarted for whateva reason it wouldnt load back up by its self
i eventually gave up on it and Rented a full VDS it didnt cost much less than £10/m, nowadays i Got my own Server to Host my bots and Other peeps on

incase u dont know VDS = Virtual Dedicated Server
which is Full Root access Server so u can do ANYTHING, but ofc this means you also need to know abit about how to do it :D
Title: Re: php_exec ?
Post by: DarkGord on October 21, 2008, 10:13:09 am
incase u dont know VDS = Virtual Dedicated Server
which is Full Root access Server so u can do ANYTHING, but ofc this means you also need to know abit about how to do it :D
Cough yeah that is kind of part of the problem ;)
When you say you are hosting other people bots, you mean friends? or people who ask nicely? :P (seriously though, what is needed to have you help out with that ?)
Title: Re: php_exec ?
Post by: Glarawyn on October 23, 2008, 07:13:33 pm
You cannot run BeBot on a web hosting site that offers PHP and MySQL.

You must have full shell (Linux, UNIX systems) or console (for Windows) to run BeBot.

BeBot is written in PHP but it is not a web application. Like Python, Perl, and many other interpreted languages, PHP can be invoked multiple ways. The most common way is via a web server where the webserver runs the PHP code and displays HTML output.

For BeBot, we use the command line method and output goes to the console. BeBot requires sockets to function. Any sane webhost will have php sockets disabled. This alone will prevent you from running BeBot as a webpage. ;)

On a Unix system, you should be able to run the command:

which php
which php5

To get the full path the php executable.
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