BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.5 support => Topic started by: Zweiblum on August 11, 2008, 02:40:48 pm

Title: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on August 11, 2008, 02:40:48 pm
I wanted to set up a bot where only Omnis can join.
But i dont want that every omni can join. (like with flexible security)
Only Chars that r invited to the bot can join it.
So i would like that the Bot checks if the char is omni or not. so when i do something like !adduser or !invite the bot checks if the char is omni or not AND if i invited someone and he changed his faction that he cant join the bot anymore.
Is that possible in anyway?

and if its working: will there also be somekind of !forceinvite so that i can temp inv neutrals e.q.?
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Temar on August 11, 2008, 07:53:56 pm
This module should help you alot
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on August 12, 2008, 10:47:56 am
thx, it sounds very interesting, but i have a question on that module:
can every omni (e.q) join the bot?
cuz AutoMember sounds like it...
or is it that i invite a charakter to the bot and then automember comes to use and checks if hes a omni or not?
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on August 12, 2008, 11:09:14 am
ok i played a little with the module and its pretty awesome! realy! thx for this module :)

but i have turned BanFaction:  Not Omni and if i !invite a neut he still can join and the bot just gives a Warning.
did i need to turn something else on so that the person is instantly banned?

EDIT: and i have a very strange thing:
[Bot] Admin: !adduser omnichar
[Bot] Bot: omnichar is already a MEMBER.
[Bot] Admin: !security whois omniuser
[Bot] Bot: omniuser's highest access level is ANONYMOUS.

and the to be added toon cant join the channel.
He can only join if the admin !invites him. what did I wrong?

Prefs on AutoMember:
AddMembers:  On
  Description: is AutoMember Add ON?
  Change to: [ On | Off ]

AddTemp:  On
  Description: Are Member added by AutoMember only Temporary?
  Change to: [ On | Off ]

BanFaction:  Not Omni
  Description: What Faction Should be Banned if they Join PG?
  Change to: [ None | Clan | Omni | Neutral | Not Clan | Not Omni | Not Neutral ]

BuddyLimit:  900
  Description: What Limit Shall bot maintain for buddy list?
/tell ctnet !set AutoMember BuddyLimit <new value>

BuddyNotify:  On
  Description: Should User be Told they have been Added or Removed from notify?
  Change to: [ On | Off ]

DelMembers:  On
  Description: is AutoMember Delete ON?
  Change to: [ On | Off ]

DelTemp:  On
  Description: Should i Only Delete Temp Members?
  Change to: [ On | Off ]

Restrict:  Off
  Description: is AutoMember Restricted to the Rules of Flexible Security?
  Change to: [ On | Off ]

Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on August 12, 2008, 01:38:12 pm
ok i think i worked something out.
i created a flexible group called "omni"
now when i need to type !adduser char omni to add a char to the bot as a member.
(with !adduser char it doesnt work, thecahr will stay as ano)
If the char is not omni he will be autobanned (thx temar ;)
but the char can still temp join when a admin does !invite notomnichar and wont be added as a member.

think thats what u wanted to do ;D thx temar!

hope i wont find another problem ;D

sorry for that spam... :x
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on August 12, 2008, 06:21:32 pm
i had read about a "raid branch" from glarawyn. where can i get it?
i see the docu for it in the wiki but cant find a place where i can donwload it
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Glarawyn on August 12, 2008, 06:36:15 pm
i had read about a "raid branch" from glarawyn. where can i get it?
i see the docu for it in the wiki but cant find a place where i can donwload it

The raid branch is in SVN.

It's a branch project trying to improve BeBot as a Raid bot, but there isn't much for active development at the moment.
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Temar on August 12, 2008, 07:47:06 pm
the way i use it is i give user who i want on the bot Guest access using flexible security, and !join is set to guest
thy can then use !join
when they join this module will add them as a member
yes i made it so User that were Invited dont get banned this was mainly cuz some times neutral maybe invited but i dont want them have access to join when they want so they werent given guest access
the ban was mainly dont as a more active check rather than waiting for the cleanup to remove user who change faction and sitll try to use bot
i can add a setting to the module as to if !invite will prevent bans or not
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on August 13, 2008, 11:12:30 am
i think it ok... so then u would need to do a !forceinvite to still get a neut onto the bot.
!invite works fine then i guess.
at least it gives a warning!
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on August 15, 2008, 06:58:34 pm
ok another problem...

i want to get !massinv working...
im not sure what im doing wrong so... i setted in !set massmsg:
MassMsg:  Both
MinAccess:  MEMBER
and in !preferences "receive massinv and massmsg" on on.
im getting the massmsg with !announce and with !massinv, but not inv :/

any suggestions?
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on August 17, 2008, 10:36:08 am
all members r on notify and even get the msg with massinv, but not the invite... im still not sure whats wrong :/
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Temar on August 17, 2008, 05:07:27 pm
check prefs, if massinv is off and announce is on they will only get the message not the invite
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on August 19, 2008, 10:59:54 am
massinv is on... even as default

recieve_message: Do you want to recieve mass-messages?
[ Yes[D] | No[D] ]

recieve_invites: Do you want to recieve mass-invites?
[ No[D] | Yes[D] ]

both "YES" r markes as white and both NOs as blue

EDIT: nice temar... Posts: 666 ;)
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on September 12, 2008, 02:27:41 pm
ok i seted up a new 0.4.3 bot as i couldnt get massinv working... now automember isnt, but that isnt such important ;)

now i could need 2 other things... somthing like !admins oder !adminlist wich shows all Adminds,Superadmins and owner
and i would like if some1 make !help that the "commands usable in gc" wont be displayed. is there anyway?
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Temar on September 12, 2008, 02:34:23 pm
under the prefs, that is D set to
the Yes and No are for you
the D = Default and that for every who hasnt set a preferance
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on December 07, 2008, 12:51:00 pm
hmm massinv and massmsg are default yes.
when i do massinv alle oline members getting the msg but noone gets an invite... :/
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Alreadythere on December 07, 2008, 01:40:50 pm
Which version of bebot are you running?
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on December 07, 2008, 02:07:24 pm
sorryi  forgot... im using 0.4.3 atm... i started a 0.6.1 with the same settings as the 0.4.3 one.
massinv is working on 0.6.1 but not on 0.4.3... realy strange thing!

but i would like to keep the 0.4.3 as all members are allready set up and the pther modules r working too
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Alreadythere on December 07, 2008, 02:18:33 pm
Official answer: we don't support 0.4.x anymore as we don't got enough people for it. Please switch to 0.6.1.

To your problem: not sure what the cause in 0.4.3 could be, the code looks ok. Everyone that gets the message should get an invite too if called with massinv.

About your modules: Temar wrote a support module for 0.4.x modules under 0.5.x, that should work with 0.6 too as there were no architectural changes from 0.5 to 0.6 since he released his module.
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on December 07, 2008, 03:45:28 pm
ok thanks very much.
can i copy the sql table from the 0.4.3 bot to the 0.6.1 bot?
atleast the memberlist would be nice :)

EDIT: or can i just overwright the old 0.4.3 dir with the files from the 0.6.1 bot?
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Alreadythere on December 07, 2008, 04:20:39 pm
You shouldn't overwrite the files from the 0.4.3 installation, better move them to a backup directory, copy over your conf files, and start the 0.6.1 bot.

On the first startup the bot will update all tables as needed, so old information shouldn't be lost. If you want to be able to go back to 0.4.3 you'll have to save your old tables though, as there is no supported way to go back.
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on December 07, 2008, 05:51:57 pm
ok, ill try it tomorow.
just to be sure:
if the massinv still isnt working, its an settings failure maybe?
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on December 08, 2008, 09:17:30 am
ok... i updated to 0.6.1 and massinv and annoucne seem to work probably now.
the only thing not working is the memberlist command.
It only shows up "1 Members" with an empty list.
i did a rosterupdate and i got all members on notify
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on December 11, 2008, 08:16:32 pm
noone else got problems with the !memberlist command?
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Temar on December 11, 2008, 11:02:34 pm
i thought that was
!member list
Title: Re: Omni only bot
Post by: Zweiblum on December 12, 2008, 06:46:08 pm
thanks temar ;)
 it says !memberlist in !help :x
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