Archive > BeBot 0.5 support

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i had read about a "raid branch" from glarawyn. where can i get it?
i see the docu for it in the wiki but cant find a place where i can donwload it


--- Quote from: Zweiblum on August 12, 2008, 06:21:32 pm ---i had read about a "raid branch" from glarawyn. where can i get it?
i see the docu for it in the wiki but cant find a place where i can donwload it

--- End quote ---

The raid branch is in SVN.

It's a branch project trying to improve BeBot as a Raid bot, but there isn't much for active development at the moment.

the way i use it is i give user who i want on the bot Guest access using flexible security, and !join is set to guest
thy can then use !join
when they join this module will add them as a member
yes i made it so User that were Invited dont get banned this was mainly cuz some times neutral maybe invited but i dont want them have access to join when they want so they werent given guest access
the ban was mainly dont as a more active check rather than waiting for the cleanup to remove user who change faction and sitll try to use bot
i can add a setting to the module as to if !invite will prevent bans or not

i think it ok... so then u would need to do a !forceinvite to still get a neut onto the bot.
!invite works fine then i guess.
at least it gives a warning!

ok another problem...

i want to get !massinv working...
im not sure what im doing wrong so... i setted in !set massmsg:
MassMsg:  Both
MinAccess:  MEMBER
and in !preferences "receive massinv and massmsg" on on.
im getting the massmsg with !announce and with !massinv, but not inv :/

any suggestions?


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