I'm so Confused

I Uninstalled the PHP 5.2 that got Installed with YUM since I didn't know how to install it with options and downloaded PHP 5.2.6 and decided to deploy it by hand...
I did this all before when I setup 4.x but now it's killing me.
When I launch Bebot I get:
Sockets extention required to run this bot
When I configured PHP I used the following script:
cd /usr/local/src/php-5.2.6
make distclean
./configure \
--prefix=/usr/local/php52/ \
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \
--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
--with-xsl \
--with-gdbm \
--with-gd \
--with-gmp=/usr/local/lib \
--with-freetype=/usr/include/freetype/ \
--with-zlib-dir=/usr/include \
--with-ttf \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib \
--enable-sockets \
Then did a MAKE then MAKE INSTALL
And Now I'm like dead in the water and sad