in C:\bebot\main I have a file called 09_AccessControl.php and no where else..
I downloaded the newest version of the bot 0.5.2 and made the bebot folder then just unpacked everything to it.. the php file and such
I'm not sure what or how to svn checkout or checkout but if Temar is suggesting the file inside /core/ is old, should I delete it?
EDIT: Ok, I have it up and running. What happened was.. the latest version of the bot didn't come with php.ini file, I didn't know what all files needed to go with this or didn't so I unpacked the 4.3 bot and just wrote over all the files, it added things I didn't need then and messed it up. I deleted everything inside the bebot folder exept the conf and botconf which I copied to desktop then I just re added them when I unpacked a new copy of the 5.2 and JUST the php.ini file.
In short, everything works now, I'm excited

I was just tired last night hehe