BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.5 support => Topic started by: clashbot on May 25, 2008, 09:51:02 pm

Title: !is online nerfed
Post by: clashbot on May 25, 2008, 09:51:02 pm
!is seems to always timeout no matter what with it trying to parse alts...anyone else having this trouble? I will admit, that my online db has well over 1500 names (two different orgs) so not sure if the alts parse on it is causing the hangup...
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: Blueeagle on May 26, 2008, 12:01:56 am
The !is command for people not already in the buddy list of the bot adds them to the buddy list for the sole purpous of checking their online status.

I cannot see why this would time out. Are you recieving an error message?
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: clashbot on May 26, 2008, 12:46:27 am
log file:
[Clashbot] Sixteenyn: !is lillitheve
[2008-05-25 22:42:06]   [BUDDY]   [LOG]   Tunderclash logged [on] (not on notify)
[2008-05-25 22:42:08]   [BUDDY QUEUE]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Tundernoob
[2008-05-25 22:42:08]   [BUDDY]   [LOG]   Tundernoob logged [off] (not on notify)
[2008-05-25 22:42:18]   [BUDDY QUEUE]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Tunderraid
[2008-05-25 22:42:18]   [BUDDY]   [LOG]   Tunderraid logged [off] (not on notify)
[2008-05-25 22:42:18]   [PGRP]   [MSG]   [Clashbot] Clashbot: !is Process was Canceled (timeout)
[2008-05-25 22:42:21]   [BUDDY QUEUE]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Tunderrelay
[2008-05-25 22:42:21]   [BUDDY]   [LOG]   Tunderrelay logged [on] (not on notify)
[2008-05-25 22:42:23]   [BUDDY QUEUE]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Tyrannia
[2008-05-25 22:42:23]   [BUDDY]   [LOG]   Tyrannia logged [off] (not on notify)
[2008-05-25 22:42:33]   [BUDDY QUEUE]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Viktoryalass
[2008-05-25 22:42:34]   [BUDDY]   [LOG]   Viktoryalass logged [off] (not on notify)
[2008-05-25 22:43:03]   [BUDDY QUEUE]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Whichdoctor
[2008-05-25 22:43:04]   [BUDDY]   [LOG]   Whichdoctor logged [off] (not on notify)
[2008-05-25 22:43:05]   [BUDDY QUEUE]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Lillitheve
[2008-05-25 22:43:05]   [BUDDY]   [LOG]   Lillitheve logged [off] (not on notify)
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: Blueeagle on May 26, 2008, 04:14:08 am
I'll have to ask Temar as he forgot to comment his code again...
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: Temar on May 26, 2008, 07:26:20 am
Looks like the Buddies were getting added too slow due to que system

i have Changed the code to Skip the Que

you need to get modules/Is.php
and                  main/AOChatWrapper.php
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: clashbot on May 26, 2008, 09:31:02 pm
ok downloaded the new ones from the svn...still getting timeout error:

To [tunderclash]: .set Buddy_Queue Enabled On
[Tunderclash]: Changed setting Enabled for module Buddy_Queue to On [Settings for Buddy_Queue]
To [Tunderclash]: is inmortal
[Tunderclash]: .is Process was Canceled (timeout)

have tried it with buddy queue off and on, same results
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: Temar on May 26, 2008, 11:20:27 pm
i dont understand why ur bot is adding buddies so slowly
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: clashbot on May 27, 2008, 06:30:44 am
it really isn't taking that long to queue the buddies, it is something is the log, with timestamps on the commands:

[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [TELL]   [INC]   Lillitheve: is holdingcell
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Ascenrecrutr
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Botmachine
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Clashbashtst
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Clashbot
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Holdingcell
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Knightchylde
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Libfrotunder
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Metacurie
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Neery
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Orgbanka1
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Orgbankb1
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Orgbankc1
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Orgbankd1
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Shadowmstrss
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Shadownitess
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Sotaoni
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Technowytch
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Tunderbash
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Tundernoob
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Tunderraid
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Tunderrelay
[2008-05-27 04:24:57]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Whichdoctor
[2008-05-27 04:25:34]   [TELL]   [OUT]   -> Lillitheve: .is Process was Canceled (timeout)
[2008-05-27 04:25:45]   [TELL]   [INC]   Lillitheve: is corbyn
[2008-05-27 04:25:45]   [BUDDY]   [BUDDY-ADD]   Corbyn
[2008-05-27 04:26:22]   [TELL]   [OUT]   -> Lillitheve: .is Process was Canceled (timeout)
[2008-05-27 04:26:24]   [BUDDY]   [LOG]   Lillitheve logged [off] (OWNER)

Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: Alreadythere on May 27, 2008, 10:37:07 am
Do you have 1k buddies on your buddy list?
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: clashbot on May 27, 2008, 11:40:02 am
yes, that is why I posted about automember being updated for the 0.5.1. I used that for the 0.4.3 version I was running to help with the large number of people. would that also explain why roster is running it's updates almost every hour, even when set to 50 differences?
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: Alreadythere on May 27, 2008, 01:07:51 pm
I don't know about the roster update, may be same reason.

But yes, any buddy actions with 1k buddies in the list get silently dropped, which explains your timeouts.
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: clashbot on May 27, 2008, 03:48:02 pm
hmmm.... "is" was working in 0.4.3 something changed in the methodology between versions. What sort of work around can we do then?
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: Temar on May 27, 2008, 04:45:13 pm
you can turn off the check alts in settings

I will update automember tonight.
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: clashbot on May 28, 2008, 07:55:21 am
 ;D automember did the trick, is is working, except for only two people, and not too worried about that as those two people are me and my rl friend. Both of us have too many alts for is to parse. I have 34 alts, and he has 48 alts...don't ask... ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: Blueeagle on May 28, 2008, 08:54:09 am
I did a complete re-write of !is. If you still get timeouts the timeout variable can easily be created as a setting instead of a "magic number" as it is now. ;)

Edit: I made timeout a setting already. You should now be able to get !is working to  your satisfaction.
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: clashbot on May 28, 2008, 02:39:04 pm
To [Tunderclash]: is snipedragon
Tunderclash: Error: The module tools returned the error Undefined function validate_player(snipedragon)! is Offline
 WARNING: The following entries timed out: error: the module tools returned the error undefined function validate_player(snipedragon)!.

tested it with a player that was already online, and got the same error...
Title: Re: !is online nerfed
Post by: Blueeagle on May 29, 2008, 02:40:15 am
My bad. Forgot to check in main/14_Tools.php ;)
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