Noctrish [2007-09-22 22:40:18] [GROUP] [MSG] [All Towers] 0: The Clan organiz
ation Valheru Ascendants (AoF) just entered a state of war! Henke203 attacked th
e Neutral organization Wolf Brigade's tower in Broken Shores at location (249, 2
MySQL error (# 0) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, firstname, lastname
, level, gender, breed, faction, profession, defender_rank, defender_rank_id, or
g_id, org_name, org_rank, org_rank_id, pictureurl, updated) VALUES ('-1831044901
', 'Henke203', 'Milan', 'Godfray', '98', 'Neuter', 'Atrox', 'Clan', 'Enforcer',
'', '5', '0', 'Valheru Ascendants (AoF)', 'Applicant', '6', '','1190500819') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id
= VALUES(id), firstname = VALUES(firstname), lastname = VALUES(lastname), level
= VALUES(level), gender = VALUES(gender), breed = VALUES(breed), faction = VALUE
S(faction), profession = VALUES(profession), defender_rank = VALUES(defender_ran
k),defender_rank_id = VALUES(defender_rank_id), pictureurl = VALUES(pictureurl),
updated = VALUES(updated), org_id = VALUES(org_id), org_name = VALUES(org_name)
, org_rank = VALUES(org_rank), org_rank_id = VALUES(org_rank_id)
Data truncated for column 'defender_rank' at row 1
Noctrish [2007-09-22 22:40:19] [GROUP] [MSG] [Nocturnal Fear] Noctrish: Valhe
ru Ascendants (AoF) (Clan) has attacked Wolf Brigade (Neutral) in Broken Shores
at 249x2343. Attacker: Henke203 (LvL 98 Enforcer)
this is what i get each time there is an tower attack, and it seems to slow the bot down by alot :s
This is the version 0.4.1
I also had problem getting !calc to work *temperary just copied the old one from 0.4.0 and it worked fine then* Also just to mention, i get "Roster update failed! Funcom XML returned 0 members ::: System ready" at the startup.
Hope someone may know something about it
PHP: 5.2.3
MySQL: 5.2.3
If anny missing info, ask and i'll give.