BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.4 support => Topic started by: rkitek on August 14, 2007, 08:30:34 am

Title: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: rkitek on August 14, 2007, 08:30:34 am
I am having a problem which i've had with quite other bots since the new patch... 1. It wont auto add members to the bot and most importantly 2. it says roster update failed Funcom XML returned 0 results.  this is bad because i have to manually add every new member to the bot...where as im not the only person recruiting... so is it a problem on my end.....perhaps the new chat servers taht were updated arent being used.... what could it be???
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Heffalomp on August 14, 2007, 11:23:38 am
have you updated the bot.php?
or updated to 0.4.1 aswell?
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Diablo on August 14, 2007, 12:30:02 pm
im having same problems using new bot file. They are not showing up as online or as members of bot.
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Newsworthy on August 23, 2007, 12:51:10 pm
I'm finding my members level isn't being updated... However, performing a !history on a player will show their current level, !online will not.


[Shadow Company] Rodichen: !whois Instict
[Shadow Company] Scnet: "Instict" is a level 9 (AT 1 - Fledgling) Female Opifex Fixer, Omni, Member of Shadow Company :: Details


[Shadow Company] Rodichen: !history Instict
[Shadow Company] Scnet: History for Instict :: click to view
Date: 2007-08-17  Level: 60  AI: 4 • Omni  • Shadow Company (Member)
Date: 2007-08-16  Level: 51  AI: 2 • Omni  • Shadow Company (Member)
Date: 2007-08-14  Level: 50  AI: 2 • Omni  • Shadow Company (Member)
Date: 2007-08-13  Level: 44  AI: 2 • Omni  • Shadow Company (Member)
Date: 2007-08-12  Level: 37  AI: 2 • Omni  • Shadow Company (Member)
Date: 2007-08-11  Level: 32  AI: 2 • Omni  • Shadow Company (Member)
Date: 2007-08-10  Level: 16  AI: 2 • Omni  • Shadow Company (Member)
Date: 2007-08-07  Level: 9  AI: 1 • Omni  • Shadow Company (Member)
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Temar on August 23, 2007, 03:18:22 pm
last night when i check
the char info on funcom site hasnt been updated since 7/08/07
auno is updated tho and i think !history is from auno
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Bart on August 23, 2007, 06:00:50 pm
I have had the same issue. But today I also noticed the AO mainsite has been majorly altered. The land control maps aren't in the same spot and the people of Rubi-ka lookup has changed. So this being said, is there a way we need to update the bot to look elsewhere for the char info or alter the bot to look at the AO db info differently?

*edit* Our org is running both bebot 4.1 (as a beta atm) and Vhabot, Vhbaot seems to be updating with no issues. So what is the difference inthe updating processes?

Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Snarfblatt on August 23, 2007, 07:41:55 pm
Refer to this post for a fix:,981.msg7010/topicseen.html#new
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Ebag333 on August 24, 2007, 03:49:11 am
The XML FC provides is currently about a week out of date.

Until they fix the source, no updates will be accurate.
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Alreadythere on August 24, 2007, 01:47:20 pm
FC site claims it updated the infos.
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Vhab on August 24, 2007, 05:17:01 pm
*edit* Our org is running both bebot 4.1 (as a beta atm) and Vhabot, Vhbaot seems to be updating with no issues. So what is the difference inthe updating processes?

VhaBot was probebly reading from cache after it failed to fetch the info from live.
Eitherway, it was affected the same way as bebot was and received an update aswell.
In a nutshell, just luck you didn't run into trouble yet :P
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Nytridr on August 24, 2007, 06:07:54 pm
not sure if this has any affect on things but figured I would post this here since it has to do with org information..

Code: [Select]
rsbot [2007-08-24 15:52:47]     [SETTINGS]      [SAVED] orggov for module Securi
ty set to Unknown as datatype string

Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Aesgaard on August 24, 2007, 08:19:18 pm
not sure if this has any affect on things but figured I would post this here since it has to do with org information..

Code: [Select]
rsbot [2007-08-24 15:52:47]     [SETTINGS]      [SAVED] orggov for module Securi
ty set to Unknown as datatype string

Mine does the same
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Ebag333 on August 25, 2007, 07:26:15 am
Usually if you get that, just restart the bot and it gets it correct the second time around.
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Mardonge on August 25, 2007, 01:45:53 pm
The links BeBot uses to fetch the XML info from FC has changed.
The address has changed to
The changes must be made in 2 files:

Change all links you find in them, and you should be up and running again.
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Alreadythere on August 25, 2007, 01:48:09 pm
Read here ;) (,982.0.html)
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Newsworthy on August 27, 2007, 02:00:41 am
I don't know what's changed on FC's end, but the correct levels are now being reported. Happened in the last 48 hours. Wheeeeeeee
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Bart on August 27, 2007, 03:50:19 am
*edit* Our org is running both bebot 4.1 (as a beta atm) and Vhabot, Vhbaot seems to be updating with no issues. So what is the difference inthe updating processes?

VhaBot was probebly reading from cache after it failed to fetch the info from live.
Eitherway, it was affected the same way as bebot was and received an update aswell.
In a nutshell, just luck you didn't run into trouble yet :P

Yeah your right, even with the fix Vhabot seems to be behind BeBot now. But I am hoping (probably uselessly at this point) FC will make up their minds on what the heck they are doing!!
Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Foodor on May 30, 2013, 08:51:13 pm
I dod made those modification but still my bot says:

Buchio [SETTINGS]       [LOAD]  Loaded settings from database.
Buchio [ROSTER] [UPDATE]        Starting roster update for guild id: 9605 on RK1
Buchio [ROSTER] [UPDATE]        XML for the  guild  obtained
Buchio [ROSTER] [UPDATE]        Roster update failed. Funcom XML returned 0 members.
Buchio [ROSTER] [UPDATE]        Starting roster update for guild id: 9605 on RK1
Buchio [ROSTER] [UPDATE]        XML for the  guild  obtained
Buchio [ROSTER] [UPDATE]        Roster update failed. Funcom XML returned 0 members.
Buchio [VERSION]        [UPDATE]        Version check ran less than 23 hours ago, skipping!

any idea?

Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Shelly on June 01, 2013, 04:24:08 am
Probably the same as the problem you reported in (

Title: Re: Org roster update is not working :(
Post by: Heffalomp on June 13, 2013, 12:11:58 am
What version of bebot are you trying to run? selfpatched 0.6.x? followed the servermerge thread  (!/) and forgot to undo the roster temp-patching? Or just didn't read through the entire thread and see the post where I said that the temp fixes for  'core/ao/Whois.php' and 'main/10_Roster.php' are no longer needed? :-)

try the latest 0.6:

Cause your bot is trying to look up the xml for RK1 not RK5 wich is the new dimention now.

(edit mass typos)
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