BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.4 support => Topic started by: Lokki on February 11, 2008, 03:43:31 pm

Title: Moved org, and now bot shows old Org online status
Post by: Lokki on February 11, 2008, 03:43:31 pm
We moved our org to a new City so we did get a new guild_id but kept the old org name.
I did edit the new guild_id.
Moved the bot char to the "new org".

Chat and irc relay works fine, but bot showing online status of the old org.

Will this "fix itself" when we get a updated XML?
Is there a way forcing roster update on 0.4x versions?

Title: Re: Moved org, and now bot shows old Org online status
Post by: Temar on February 11, 2008, 05:20:47 pm
the online list works off your botname so i don't see why there is a problem
Title: Re: Moved org, and now bot shows old Org online status
Post by: Lokki on February 11, 2008, 09:35:12 pm
Did thisdue city change.
Changed old org name to a new name
Changed new orgs name to the old org name.
Edited the new guild_id to the new org id
Moved bot char to new org
Chat and irc relay works fine, and !city command but !online shows who
are online in the old org (with the new name)

So hoping it will correct itself when rosterupdate runs and bot gets new memeber lists.

Title: Re: Moved org, and now bot shows old Org online status
Post by: Temar on February 12, 2008, 05:34:34 am
yes you bot prob still has the member list for old org

its nothing to do with !online

you need a roster update

Title: Re: Moved org, and now bot shows old Org online status
Post by: Alreadythere on February 12, 2008, 10:18:53 am
That only works in trunk.
Title: Re: Moved org, and now bot shows old Org online status
Post by: Temar on February 12, 2008, 06:30:30 pm
well a restart then but its been over 24hours since 1st post so it should of done an update now anyway
Title: Re: Moved org, and now bot shows old Org online status
Post by: Lokki on February 13, 2008, 01:07:31 pm
Restart don't work either, bot checking that last rosterupdate was done in less than 6h, and skipping. Waited few rosterupdates and it didn't fix the problem so i did a new database in mysql and configured bot to use the new db.
Works fine now.
Title: Re: Moved org, and now bot shows old Org online status
Post by: Glarawyn on February 13, 2008, 05:57:55 pm
To force a roster update on BeBot 0.4 you can do:
/tell yourbot !set members LastRosterUpdate 0
/tell yourbot !restart

LastRosterUpdate is a hidden setting so it won't show up in the settings interface, but you can still modify it on the fly.
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