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Author Topic: cannot get connected to the Dbase  (Read 4116 times)

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Offline tcorbit

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cannot get connected to the Dbase
« on: September 16, 2007, 08:58:15 pm »
OK here is what Im useing (hope I posted in the corect spot)

BeBot-php_v5[1][1].2.3 with the php-5.2.4-Win32 update

I install bebot first then install php in the same directory as bebot. I then DL the updated core and whois files. Then I installed Mysql and set it up per the posts ( I can see the database folder is created ). Next I tell Mysql.conf what the name of the Dbase I made was the name of the user I made and the password I use to access mysql also I tell it localhost. this is the end of the Mysql setup as I know it. Reboot

Next I edit the bot.conf file and tell it my account name, password, bot name (charactor name), and dimention. I then tell it the owner. No super admins, ignore current bot in org (bot name) and  guild name and ID#, turn log off.

This is all I need to do to set up the bot so I can start it as far as I can tell. (dedicated machine and always on internet connection ofc)

once I try and start the bot (cmd , go to bebot dir, php startbot.php (enter). I see the bot start to run. first it runs the bot.conf then the mysql.conf then it hangs up

Warning: mysql_connect<>: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' <using password: NO> in C:\bebot\sources\mysql.php on line 96 mysql error <# 0> on querry: cannot connect to the database server! access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' <using password: NO>

what in the world did I do wrong? and who or what is user ODBC its not in any of my conf files to be enterd as the user. Please help me.

Offline Ebag333

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Re: cannot get connected to the Dbase
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2007, 10:24:29 pm »
ODBC is one way your bot can connect to the MySQL server.  It basically uses a 'name' of a TCP connection instead of doing something like database@server, or using named pipes.

I didn't have to set one up to connect to the DB, and you really shouldn't either.  Can you post your MySQL.conf file (sans the password, of course)?

Offline tcorbit

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Re: cannot get connected to the Dbase
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2007, 11:27:45 pm »
the conf file as asked ty for your fast responce

   Database name
   $dbase = "bebot";

   Database username
   $user = "root";

   Database password
   $pass = "xyz";

   Database server (usually localhost)'
   $server = "localhost";

   Database table prefix
   The bot will use <botname> as prefix on default, you only need to change this entry if you
   want a different prefix or none at all, in which case you have to set it to an empty
   string ("").
   If you want a different or no prefix you will have to uncomment the line below by removing
   the // in front of it and set it to the wished value.
   // $table_prefix = "";

   Master prefix table.
   This is the mastertable containing information about all tablenames and whether those use
   or don't use a prefix. Only uncomment the line below by removing the // in front of it if
   you want to use a different mastertable then botname_tablenames, which is used on default.
   // $master_tablename = "";


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