Archive > BeBot 0.4 support

Bebot on linux-vserver - absolute beginner here...

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i forgot to say to detach the screen so you go back to main and it runs in back ground you do

[CTRL] + a then d


--- Quote from: gennero on June 14, 2008, 08:34:12 am ---
I did several forum searches before but they didn't show up any result according to my problem. But I'm still wondering how I should have come to the idea to search for "screen" or "screens", as I said I'm new to linux and I never heard of this tool before.

--- End quote ---

A search on "Linux" got me the screens data

Screen's -d flag is also handy. -d starts screen in detached mode.

screen -dS screenname php StartBot.php

attach with
screen -r screenname

Ocasionally you will find that your screen is still attached somewhere when you do screen -r. To work around this, use screen -Dr screenname.
The -D option forces detachment.

Screen has other nifty features like multiuser mode which will allow multiple users to attach to a shared screen.

[28-Sep-2010 04:40:02] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library './php_extension/php_mysql.dll' - ./php_extension/php_mysql.dll: invalid ELF header in Unknown on line 0
[28-Sep-2010 04:40:02] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library './php_extension/php_sockets.dll' - ./php_extension/php_sockets.dll: invalid ELF header in Unknown on line 0

not sure whats happening but those files are there in /php_extension

its on a constant crash loop with the gandi linux server

.dll files are windows libraries, they will NOT work on Linux/Unix which uses .so files for their dynamic libraries.

Please refer to the documentation for your distribution on how to install MySQL and Sockets support for your PHP install. Normally it's a matter of installing an additional package trough whatever package manager your distribution uses.


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