Archive > BeBot 0.3 support

Help with Buff-Module

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Hi there,

I'm developing a buff-module for bebot. But I've got a problem with the bebot buddy function.

I want that these bot is open for everyone. So a player can add his buffs. Now I want the remove this player, if he goes offline. Therefor I used the buddy function with buddy_add(...).

But in my module, the player is removed immediately after he registers his buff.

I hope someone could help me. I don't know whats wrong.

The buff module:

--- Code: ---<?
* Buffs.php
* BeBot - An Anarchy Online Chat Automaton
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jonas Jax

$buffs = new buffs($bot);

$commands["tell"]["buffs"] = &$buffs;
$commands["pgmsg"]["buffs"] = &$buffs;

The Class itself...
class Buffs
var $bot;
var $buffs;

Hands over a referance to the "Bot" class.
function Buffs (&$bot)
$this -> bot = &$bot;
$this -> buffs = array();

This gets called on a msg in the privgroup with the command
function pgmsg($name, $msg)
        if (preg_match("/^" . $this -> bot -> commpre . "buffs add (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
        $this -> buffers_add($name, $info[1], 1);
    else if (preg_match("/^" . $this -> bot -> commpre . "buffs del/i", $msg, $info))
        $this -> buffers_del($name, 1);
        else if (preg_match("/^" . $this -> bot -> commpre . "buffs clear/i", $msg, $info))
        $this -> buffers_del_all($name, 1);
        else if (preg_match("/^" . $this -> bot -> commpre . "buffs/i", $msg))
        $this -> bot -> send_pgroup($this -> show_buffers());

function tell($name, $msg)
        if (preg_match("/^" . $this -> bot -> commpre . "buffs add (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
        $this -> buffers_add($name, $info[1], 2);
    else if (preg_match("/^" . $this -> bot -> commpre . "buffs del/i", $msg, $info))
        $this -> buffers_del($name, 2);
        else if (preg_match("/^" . $this -> bot -> commpre . "buffs clear/i", $msg, $info))
        $this -> buffers_del_all($name, 2);
        else if (preg_match("/^" . $this -> bot -> commpre . "buffs/i", $msg))
        $this -> bot -> send_tell($name, $this -> show_buffers());

Add a buffer
function buffers_add($name, $buffs, $nr)
$name = ucfirst(strtolower($name));

if ($this -> bot -> aoc -> get_uid($name))
$this -> buffs[$name] = $buffs;
if($nr == 1)
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup("<font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> has been added to buffers list. ($buffs) " . $this -> show_buffers());
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "<font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> has been added to buffers list. ($buffs) " . $this -> show_buffers());
else if($nr == 1)
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup("Player <font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> does not exist.");
else if($nr == 2)
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "Player <font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> does not exist.");


Remove a buffer
function buffers_del($name, $nr)
$name = ucfirst(strtolower($name));

if ($name == "All")
$this -> buffs = array();
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup("List of buffers has been cleared.");
else if ($this -> bot -> aoc -> get_uid($name) != -1)
if (isset($this -> buffs[$name]))
unset($this -> buffs[$name]);
if($nr == 1)
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup("<font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> has been removed from buffers list. " . $this -> show_buffers());
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "<font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> has been removed from buffers list. " . $this -> show_buffers());
else if($nr == 1)
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup("<font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> is not on list of buffers. " . $this -> show_buffers());
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "<font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> is not on list of buffers. " . $this -> show_buffers());
else if($nr == 1)
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup("Player <font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> does not exist.");
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "Player <font color=#ffff00>" . $name . "</font> does not exist.");

function buffers_del_all($name, $nr)
if ($this -> bot -> admin -> in_group($name, "admin"))
$this -> buffs = array();
if($nr == 1)
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup("List of buffers has been cleared.");
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "List of buffers has been cleared.");
else if($nr == 1)
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup("You must be an admin to access this command.");
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "You must be an admin to access this command.");

Return the list of buffers
function show_buffers()
$buff = array_keys($this -> buffs);
if (empty($buff))
return "No buffers on list.";
$list = "<font color=CCInfoHeadline>::: List of buffers :::</font>\n\n";
foreach ($buff as $player) {
$tempname = ucfirst(strtolower($player));

$templist .= " - <a href='chatcmd:///tell $player'>$player</a>: ".$this -> buffs[$tempname];

$uid = $this -> bot -> aoc -> get_uid($tempname);

if (!($this -> bot -> aoc -> buddy_exists($uid))) {
$this -> bot -> aoc -> buddy_add($uid);
//$templist .= " #no# ";
} else;
//$templist .= " #yes# ";

if($this -> bot -> aoc -> buddy_online($uid));
// $templist .= "- online\n";
else {
//$templist .= "- offline\n";
if (isset($this -> buffs[$tempname]))
unset($this -> buffs[$tempname]);
$list .= $templist;
return $this -> bot -> make_blob("List of Buffers", $list);


--- End code ---

The last function (show_buffers) is this one, where this error occurs.
I do "$this -> bot -> aoc -> buddy_add($uid);" and after this I call "if($this -> bot -> aoc -> buddy_online($uid));" and thats always false at the first time. If I call this method after show_buffers was successful, it returns true. But why?

It may be helpful, if you test this module in your own bebot. :-)

Thanks for help,
(and sry for my bad english) ;)


Characters not on the notify list will be removed as buddies right away.

Which mean you'll have to add everyone that is registering to the notify list first.

$this->bot->notify->add($source, $name) is the function for this.

Can you give me an example, how to register right?

I tried: $this -> bot -> notify -> add($this, $uid);

I thought, $source is the source-class, isn't it?

With this code above, the bot restarts at this point.


$this->bot->notify->add("Buff Module", $name);

It's the same as before.

I tried:

--- Code: ---if (!($this -> bot -> aoc -> buddy_exists($uid))) {
$this -> bot -> notify -> add("Buff Module", $uid); // I also tried player's name
$this -> bot -> aoc -> buddy_add($uid);

--- End code ---

But at this point, the bot restarts.


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