Archive > BeBot 0.3 support

Fatal error

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It should work in 0.3.5, just checked.

But you can just grab the most current SVN version of Main.php, which is handling all the module loading.

Well, that did fix that issue but then I started getting erros in AOChat.php so grabbed latest of that from SVN.  Then it was errors in Bot.php so I grabbed that from SVN and now I get Fatal error: Call to a member function check() on a non-object in /bot/Sources/Bot.php on line 544

lol, sounds like your version got some more errors - though the error you get in the current Bot.php is just the core/Notify module you are missing.

But if you are grabbing some SVN files you should go and grab at least all most current core files too, as a few things did change between the versions.

Ok, as an experiment I grabbed fresh copy of 3.5 and just gave it a blank db and everything so it is in essence a brand new bot.  It created the tables and everything fine but then crash's with Fatal error: Call to undefined function utf8_decode() in /bot/Sources/Bot.php on line 470

Looks like your php version is missing the XML parser functions - they must have been disabled on compiling, as they should be activated on default.


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