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Author Topic: upgrading to 2.11  (Read 5824 times)

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Offline Bart

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upgrading to 2.11
« on: February 21, 2007, 09:28:03 pm »
is there an easy way to upgrade the bot or do I have to start over from scratch again?

Offline Malosar

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Re: upgrading to 2.11
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2007, 09:40:05 pm »
I guess it would depend on what version your going from and what optional modules you are running. The least you would want to do is drop your members table and let it recreate. But there are other tables which might be quite different to what your running which may need to be altered/dropped. For instance, the whoiscache table has changed significantly, though there are posts given to help upgrade the table to the current version without actually dumping all the information out.

afaik the base 2.11 doesn't include a lot of the modules most bebot users have so you would need to be careful.
General of The Syndicate

Offline pusikas

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Re: upgrading to 2.11
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2007, 11:37:45 am »
Differences between 2.10 and 2.11 are small and you can easily upgrade by hand - even if you use lots of custom modules.
The main change is AOChat.php, which no longer needs aokex. If you want the bot to display the new version number (and probably if you are running bebot on windows), you may want to use the new main.php as well. The new php.ini makes the bot log a bit more php problems, the new start.php is smarter, but not really needed to run the bot. In the modules directory, it is the files Calc.php and Items.php - but most people already use the new version of Items, and will rarely encounter the calc bug.
At least when upgrading from 2.10, I see no reason to drop the members table. But it's not like it hurts to do that. :)

If you run older versions of the bot, then... no idea. If you can read php and know how to use diff, it is not hard to find the differences between 2.11 and your old base bot. If that is worth the trouble is another question.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2007, 11:41:01 am by pusikas »
Luuv  Bot-Keeper of Vengeance ^^*


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