Gives you an invite into the privategroup.
Shows a list of the current callers.
!caller (add|del) <nickname>
Adds/Removes a caller to the list.
!caller del all
Removes all callers from the list.
Shows a list of the current callers.
!caller (add|del) <nickname>
Adds/Removes a caller to the list.
!caller del all
Removes all callers from the list.
!bid info
Gives you some info about bidding.
!bid <points>
Bids <points> number of points on the item currently up for auction.
!bid start <item>
Starts an auction on <item> (can be a text or an item ref).
Displays current status of the city controller.
Also shows a history of the last few AI-Based events in the city.
!announce <message>
Sends the <message> to all members online.
!alts (add|rem) <nickname>
Adds/Removes <nickname> to your list of alts.
!alts <nickname>
Shows all registered alts of <nickname>.
Shows your own registered alts.
!admin groups
Show the admin groups and their members.
!admin group (add|del) <group>
Adds or removes the group.
!admin (add|del) <group> <nickname>
Adds or removes <nickname> from the adminisitration group <group>.
!admin del <nickname>
Removes <nickname> from all administration groups.
!calc <calculations>
Returns the result for your calculations.
Valid <calculations> would be for example:
Shows all recent tower battles.
!massinv <message>
Sends the <message> to all members online and invites them into the privategroup.
!bio <bio ref>
Drop a ref of the bio-material into the chat to get it identified.
Will kick you from the privategroup.
!logon <message>
Will display <message> behind your name in guildchat every time you log on.
Returns info about the team, pvp and mission range of that level. (+/-1)
Searches for an item any QL and returns the first 30 results.
Searches for an item in the specific QL and returns the first 30 results.
!is <nickname>
Checks if <nickname> online.
!invite <nickname>
Invites <nickname> into the privategroup.
Gives you an invite into the privategroup.
!glyph start a <abans> e <enels> o <ocras>
Starts a raffle for the glyphs. Replace <abans> <enels> and <ocras> with the ammount of each glyph to be raffled.
!glyph end
Ends the glpyh raffle and displays results.
!glyph cancel
Cancels the glyph raffle.
Flips a coin. The result is either heads or tails.
Initiates a countdown from 5 to 0.
!guest <nickname>
Puts <nickname> on the bot's guest list which gives him/her access to the bot.
!guest rem <nickname>
Removes <nickname> from the guest list of the bot.
Returns info about the team, pvp and mission range of that level. (+/-1)
!kick <nickname>
Kicks <nickname> from the privategroup.
Shows the number of people on each playfield in % of total players.
Shuts down the bot. (superadmin only)
Restarts the bot. (superadmin only)
!target <name>
"Calls" the target for assisting.
Shows you where to rally
!rally <location> <x> <y> <note>
Sets the rally point.
!raid (join|leave)
Makes you join/leave the raid.
!raid (start|stop)
Starts/Stops the raid.
Once the raid is started people can join the raid and gain points.
!raid kick <nickname>
Removes <nickname> from the raid.
!raid (lock|unlock)
Locks/Unlocks the raid makeing it possible/not possible for more to join.
!raid check
Makes a list to check if all members in the raid are also present.
!raffle start <item>
Starts the raffle for <item> (can be a text or itemref)
!raffle admin
Brings up the admin menu to control the raffle.
!raffle (join|leave)
Makes you join/leave the raffle.
Shows the raidpoints on your account.
!points give <nickname> <number>
Takes <number> points from your account and gives them to <nickname>.
!points (add|del) <nickname> <number>
Adds/Removes <number> of points from <nickname>s account.
Shows the current GMT time.
Returns info about over-equipping.
Displays last 10 news messages.
!news <message>
Adds the <message> to the news.
Toggles the guildchat<->privategroup relay on and off.
When switched all people in the bot will be able to see and chat on the guildchat.
Shows all people online in guild and/or privategroup.
!online <prof>
Shows all online members of that profession.
Shows the number of members registered in the bot.
!member <nickname>
Adds <nickname> to the bot as a member.
!member del <nickname>
Removes <nickname> from the bot.
!roll <number>
Rolls a random number between 1 and <number>
!verify <number>
Verifies the result of roll/flip number <number>
!timer set <time>
Sets a countdown timer for <time> minutes
Shows the results of recent tower battles.
!whois <nickname>
Shows info about <nickname>.
Straight from the help files. I'm going to keep a list of commands with a tiny bit of color up on my site, including any new commands for new versions, and my personal modules.
Command List