BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: dethreaper6 on January 05, 2007, 05:20:13 pm

Title: starting bot...
Post by: dethreaper6 on January 05, 2007, 05:20:13 pm
hi, i am having trouble staring the bot. i
Code: [Select]
* start.php - Starts and restarts the bot
* BeBot - An Anarchy Online Chat Automaton
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jonas Jax
* Developed by Blondengy (RK1)
* Special thanks goes out to Khalem (RK1) for his support.
* File last changed at $LastChangedDate: 2005-12-13 01:34:04 +0100 (Tue, 13 Dec 2005) $
* Revision: $Id: start.php 37 2005-12-13 00:34:04Z shadowmaster $

Edit the following two lines:
$php_bin = "php4";
$main_php = "main.php";

Configuration for Windows with bot and php.exe in the same directory
you're staring the bot from

$php_bin = "php.exe";
$main_php = "main.php";

Configuration for Windows with bot and php.exe different directorys

$php_bin = "C:\php\php.exe";
$main_php = "C:\BeBot\main.php";

while (true)
$last_line = system($php_bin . " " . $main_php);

if (preg_match("/^The bot has been shutdown/i", $last_line))


now, im kinda stuck on the last step (Starting the bot) in the INSTALL_GUILDBOT.txt:
Code: [Select]
Open a console (In windows press "Start" => "Run" => enter "cmd" and press
Code: [Select]
Now run the start.phpit is now opened with notepad.
Code: [Select]
Windows: Navigate to the directory of your bot assuming you have the
php.exe in the same directory and write "php start.php".
Linux: Assuming your can run php4 from anywhere navigate to your bot
directory and write "php4 start.php" (assuming your php binary is named
ok... where do i write php start.php?

if anybody could help that would be great! thanks
Title: Re: starting bot...
Post by: Naturalistic on January 05, 2007, 05:42:32 pm
Suppose to do: (going to the directory that you have the bot in)

php start.php

In the cmd terminal window, not in notepad.
Title: Re: starting bot...
Post by: Malosar on January 05, 2007, 07:56:39 pm
It opened in notepad because he "ran" the start.php, by double clicking it. When the instructions state to start the php, they mean follow the instructions just below it for windows or linux.

When you did start -> run then "cmd" it should open a DOS window. navigate to your bot folder (eg. cd \bebot or whatever folder) then run the bot by typing "php start.php".
Title: Re: starting bot...
Post by: dethreaper6 on January 05, 2007, 08:36:59 pm
ok, i opened the bot directory, then start -> run -> "cmd"  and got the command prompt, then typed in the prompt: php start.php.

i got: 'php' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

did i do something wrong?

also, i am wondering about the StartBot.bat in the bot directory. i double-click it and a command prompt appears then dissappears in less than a second. im not sure if im supposed to have start.bat instead because the directory has no such file..
Title: Re: starting bot...
Post by: Dabaron on January 06, 2007, 01:27:39 am
Sounds like you don't have php installed on your system.
Title: Re: starting bot...
Post by: Naturalistic on January 06, 2007, 01:41:01 am
Erm, where did my post go o-o

Anyways... what it said:

Open up cmd prompt,

cd \
cd <whereever you put the bebot directory>

When inside, type "dir" to make sure you see a start.php and php.exe.

If you see that, type the php start.php

If you installed PHP to your computer, then use php4 start.php instead. (as I think the default is now php4 and not php, could be mistaken though :P)
Title: Re: starting bot...
Post by: dethreaper6 on January 06, 2007, 02:44:56 am
Sounds like you don't have php installed on your system.

how would i install it? i downloaded the php bundle that was on,555.0.html (,555.0.html) but what do i do next? or do i have to have a real php software?

Erm, where did my post go o-o

Anyways... what it said:

Open up cmd prompt,

cd \
cd <whereever you put the bebot directory>

When inside, type "dir" to make sure you see a start.php and php.exe.

If you see that, type the php start.php

If you installed PHP to your computer, then use php4 start.php instead. (as I think the default is now php4 and not php, could be mistaken though :P)
i typed "dir" and and i didnt see start.php nor php.exe. i tried to type php start.php anyway and got the same error message in my above post.
and i dont have php installed on my comp btw...
Title: Re: starting bot...
Post by: Malosar on January 06, 2007, 05:16:06 am
To be honest you will have a lot of difficulty running and maintaining a bot if you don't know things like DOS basics.
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