BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: Mephistobane on July 03, 2006, 07:16:11 am
ok so, i want to run bebot on a remote host. they are a company, not some other person's PC. it runs mysql v4.3.x(pretty sure),not sure which version php,and on Linux. the only way to reach the bot will be through SSH,by admins(not me) who i'll give the bot.rar to.
ok so, how do i get the remote host to update Alreadythere's whois module(i have a .bat to run it, which can be activated by clicking on it,but we won't be able to do that while it's hosted remotely.(how to activate through SSH remotely?)
second, IF the bot *does* crash due to an error, how can an admin with SSH access restart the bot remotely?(i.e. no clicking the start.bat)
i've got the config files under control, i.e. new mysql dbase and username,password,"localhost",etc...i think ;)
ok so, i want to run bebot on a remote host. they are a company, not some other person's PC. it runs mysql v4.3.x(pretty sure),not sure which version php,and on Linux. the only way to reach the bot will be through SSH,by admins(not me) who i'll give the bot.rar to.
If you can find a host crazy enough to run the bot for ya, that is. Or convince the host you need SSH access and need only one active job.
ok so, how do i get the remote host to update Alreadythere's whois module(i have a .bat to run it, which can be activated by clicking on it,but we won't be able to do that while it's hosted remotely.(how to activate through SSH remotely?)
.bat in Linux? .bat is DOS my dear friend, you don't use .bat. The Whois module will be automaticly updated afaik, just like the itemslist.
If you have SSH access, you can start the bot in a screen session:
$ screen
$ php start.php
second, IF the bot *does* crash due to an error, how can an admin with SSH access restart the bot remotely?(i.e. no clicking the start.bat)
If the bot encounters an error, in for example a module, it keeps looping and starting and starting over. If you don't have SSH access, you can't see which and need to guess which it could be (probably a module you found somewhere) and rename it through ftp: putting a _ in front of it.
If the bots disconnects or loses the socket cause you do a normal logon to that character, you (or the admin) has to SSH into your account again and terminate and start the bot again.
Personally, i don't think any company is gonna be so crazy to do all that for ya. So i would target at a host where you have SSH access and can run a background process.
Offcourse i could say you could write a php file which will give you complete shell access, which is possible for sure, but well :)
so, the Whois module will automatically use the whoisupdate.php to update itself on a Linux system? I have Windows only so i can't try this..but it doesn't make much sense as i didnt find a "autorun" chunk of code in either .php,but maybe im blind ::).
and also,how can i setup the bot to run as a background process(or the admin) through ssh? and there's already a bunch of stuff our host does for us, i'm sure the bot wouldn't be too big an addition to what they do for us :)...
i do believe our host is XeGaming :P
Apache version 1.3.34 (Unix)
MySQL version 4.0.25-standard-log
PostgreSQL version 7.4.8
PHP version 4.4.1
PHP info Click to view
PERL version 5.8.7
Operating system Linux
Kernel version 2.6.9-22.0.1.ELsmp
Machine Type i686
i went and got the exact server info, and there it is. I'd like to know if v.2.5 is compatible with this setup.
then also i'd like to know if the modules i've put in are compatible aswell (admin wants this to go as smoothly as possible, there's a bunch of other stuff this server runs and the bot going wacky wouldn't be good):
(guild bot)
apf - standard(? does glara's mod come standard now?)
about - standard
alienattack - standard
autoinv - standard
automsg - standard
bid - standard
calc - modified(reference (,326.0.html))
countdown - standard
guildrelay - standard
is - standard
items - modified(to use Alreadythere's Whois Cache)
level - standard
logon - standard
massmsg - standard
members - standard
news - current SVN
oe - standard
raffle - standard
raidtime - standard
rally - standard
relay - standard
roll - standard
rooster - standard
server - standard
shutdown - standard
target - standard
time - standard
quotes - (reference (,247.0.html))
privgroup - standard
history - standard
symbs - (reference (,306.0.html))
bioclump - (reference (,298.0.html))
towerattack - by Xenixa(reference (,243.msg2314.html#msg2314))
teams - (reference (,76.0.html))
lca - (reference (,378.0.html))
whois - Alreadythere's Whois Cache
lastseen - (reference (,267.0.html))
if there's a way for me to find out myself, don't hesitate to point me in the right direction please :) i just don't have exp with different verisons of mysql/php/OSs, so i wouldn't know where to start
the whois table won't update itself. The whoisupdate.php needs to be added to cron.
In the ssh type crontab -e which will take you to the cron edit. Add in:
10 14 * * * /path/to/whoisupdate.php >> /dev/null
Which will run the file at 14:10 every day. Change the time to whatever you want.