BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: skeezix on November 29, 2005, 06:18:54 pm

Title: relay command
Post by: skeezix on November 29, 2005, 06:18:54 pm
This works great, but is there a way to have it remember settings (such as automatically relay upon restart), and re-send requests to people who were previously in a guest channel?

Title: relay command
Post by: Xenixa on November 29, 2005, 07:38:21 pm
Not currently ... nope.
It's on the Todo list though :)
Title: relay command
Post by: skeezix on November 30, 2005, 01:14:37 am
figured I'd ask ;)

Title: relay command
Post by: Xenixa on November 30, 2005, 02:30:59 am
You know what?.... I take that back. The newer Bebot preview v0.3.0 has a way to turn the relay back on after a restart.
See first post here:
Title: relay command
Post by: skeezix on November 30, 2005, 04:50:08 pm
wasnt' sure if that was a relay between guilds, or a relay between guest channel and current guild that the bot resides.  or both. :)

$guild_relay_target = False; // False if you dont want a relay bot, set to target bots name otherwise.

I can probably just add a similar line anyway to the bot somewhere to enforce it but thanks for replies at least :)
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Dracutza on November 17, 2006, 02:36:32 am
and what would this fix have been?

running ver 3 of bebot, and in setting up out guestchan, i find that after a restart, I need to !relay again to enable the guestchan.

I tried setting "$guild_relay_target = ""; // False if you dont want a relay bot, set to target bots name otherwise." to the name of our bot. But that didn't seem to do it.
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: kuznechik on November 17, 2006, 10:44:43 am
add switching relay on on startup.
Code: [Select]
$commands["connect"][] = &$relay;

function connect()
$this -> bot -> commands["gmsg"][$this -> bot -> guildname]["relay"] = &$this -> bot -> commands["pgmsg"]["guest"];
$this -> bot -> commands["privgroup"]["relay"] = &$this -> bot -> commands["pgmsg"]["guest"];

Well, guild_relay is completely diff thing. I ended up enabling it on startup same way and adding possibility to relay privgroup to other bot.
Still dunno how to relay blobs, really annoying to not be able to see logons of people who have alts blob in logon message (=almost all).
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: jjones666 on November 17, 2006, 11:40:17 am
Another idea is having a notification/welcome message when people join.  As we do this anyway showing news and online people, I simply added the following:

Code: [Select]
function pgjoin($name)
$botname = $this -> bot -> botname;
// A generic welcome message example
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "Welcome to " . $this -> bot -> guildname . ", " . $name);
// Lets show the online list
$this -> bot -> commands["tell"]["online"] -> tell($name, $this -> bot -> commpre . "online");
if (isset($this -> bot -> commands["privgroup"]["relay"]))
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "Guest chat relay is <font color=#ffff00>active.</font>");
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "Guest chat relay is <font color=#ffff00>not active.</font>");

So at least people know whether to turn it on when joining guest chat.
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Dracutza on November 25, 2006, 10:46:03 am
add switching relay on on startup.
Code: [Select]
$commands["connect"][] = &$relay;

function connect()
$this -> bot -> commands["gmsg"][$this -> bot -> guildname]["relay"] = &$this -> bot -> commands["pgmsg"]["guest"];
$this -> bot -> commands["privgroup"]["relay"] = &$this -> bot -> commands["pgmsg"]["guest"];

Well, guild_relay is completely diff thing. I ended up enabling it on startup same way and adding possibility to relay privgroup to other bot.
Still dunno how to relay blobs, really annoying to not be able to see logons of people who have alts blob in logon message (=almost all).

I'm sorry, but where should i try adding this to?  I can deal without login messages/announcements, but it would be nice to not have to worry about turning relay on after every restart.

ironically, i see that the release notes say somehting about relay will now not default to ON after a restart

wtb line of code for relay in 0.3.0  ;)
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Khalem on November 25, 2006, 11:57:46 am
There are two relays in the bot, not to be confused with eachother.

One is the bot <-> bot relay which is what in 0.3 is possible to set to reactivate automatically, and the other is the pgroup <-> gc relay which has not yet received this treatment.

The relay plugin is high on my priority however since it's currently utterly broken in current SVN.
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Dracutza on November 27, 2006, 04:33:43 pm
and the other is the pgroup <-> gc relay which has not yet received this treatment.

The pgroup <-> gc relay is the one i am speaking of.

Is it a known fact that this relay command is allowed to be used by people on the guest list?  It was brought to my attention by a guest that they can tell the bot !relay to turn pgroup<->gc on and off.  Per the configuration used with the Rights Management inculded in the 0.3.3, [G] is NOT given permission to this command in any way.

To a point i am happy about this flaw/bug/misconfiguation (as they can enable the guest chan if they want in the event that it's not on,) but to another point i am not. 
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Khalem on November 27, 2006, 05:10:01 pm
Sounds very odd. I haven't encountered any such issues with permissions to date.

Have you checked guest permissions for all 4 possible channels? (although guild chat is moot, and tell2 __should__ be irrelevant)

I'll be sure to have a look when i work on the relay as im as annoyed as you are with the lack of functionality.
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Dracutza on November 27, 2006, 05:30:03 pm

Have you checked guest permissions for all 4 possible channels? (although guild chat is moot, and tell2 __should__ be irrelevant)

Yes i have.  I even went as far as granting Guest permission, then taking it away, in the event that something needed to be reset for whatever reason.

tell2 does NOT work, as expected.  An un-org'ed, non guest test toon got the response "I only listed to members" when i tried /tell bot !relay.

un-org'ed guest members however can turn on and off, where relay permission are only allowed for Admin and SuperAdmin.
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Khalem on November 27, 2006, 06:11:11 pm
Actually, try checking your commands table in the database.

Depending which version you are running it should only list either long names or short names.

I might have forgotten to add an upgrade script when the change was done from long names to short names.

Also, as for Tell2 (which will be removed eventually) it requires that the module actually hook into tell2 specifically, and not all modules do this as they have no need for non members to be able to access the bot.
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Parfet on January 20, 2007, 10:13:31 am
add switching relay on on startup.
Code: [Select]
$commands["connect"][] = &$relay;

function connect()
$this -> bot -> commands["gmsg"][$this -> bot -> guildname]["relay"] = &$this -> bot -> commands["pgmsg"]["guest"];
$this -> bot -> commands["privgroup"]["relay"] = &$this -> bot -> commands["pgmsg"]["guest"];

Well, guild_relay is completely diff thing. I ended up enabling it on startup same way and adding possibility to relay privgroup to other bot.
Still dunno how to relay blobs, really annoying to not be able to see logons of people who have alts blob in logon message (=almost all).

I tried adding this to my guildbot's 'Relay_GUILD.php' under the section for commands, (only logical place), and had to comment it out... the bot was immediately dieing due to 'Fatal error: Call to undefined method Relay::connect() in C:\pcbot\Bot.php on line 190'... could i get a better explanation? perhaps a full posting of the correct file? thank you for your time.

Edit: nevermind, i got a newer Relay_GUILD.php out of the SVN, and i see it works a bit different... just have to change the check where noted to 1 {on}
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Naturalistic on January 28, 2007, 02:03:48 am
I think I had fixed it for 0.3. But the !relay and the settings I could adjust to use the Settings module :)

Then just load on startup.
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: jjones666 on January 28, 2007, 03:00:37 am

With switchable auto on/off option at startup (require's Glarawyn's Module Settings).

(other changes from standard: see here (,648.0.html))

Title: Re: relay command
Post by: nebhyper on February 01, 2007, 10:44:23 pm
Ok, well since the bot I use is BeBot 0.2.x + modules found here + my own modules/code/fixes.  I can post it as compilation of BeBot 0.2.x.

I have it setup so it relays everything said in GC to pgroup and vice versa as well as whatever a command puts out (like online list) to both channels as well.

I can post it when Iget home or once I adding Rights Management.

Either way I'll call it a compiled BeBot.
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: Khalem on February 01, 2007, 10:47:56 pm
In terms of getting something included upstream i recommend posting stand alone modules or patches (diff -burN on *nix for example) as it makes it easier for developers to see what has changed, and also pick the bits that they like.
Title: Re: relay command
Post by: nebhyper on February 01, 2007, 11:53:53 pm
Good idea however, based on posts from this forums, I have changed every single module including start.php, main.php, bot.php and AOchat.php.

Or I can just not post it and slowly post each module.
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