Stored Connection: blank
Serverhost: blank Port:3306
Username: Bebot
Password: banana
As the serverhost Ive put in localhost and I get this error when pressing ok:
"Could not connect to the specified Instance. Mysql error number 2003.
Could not connect to Mysql server on 'localhost' (10061). If you want to check the network connection, please click the ping button."
I press the ping button and I get a response
"Reply from Time=0ms TTL=128".
I also tried using my I.P. on the network which is I get this error
"Could not connect to the specified Instance. Mysql error number 2003. Could not connect to Mysql server on '' (10061). If you want to check the network connection, please click the ping button."
I ping this and get this response: Reply from Time=0ms TTL=128
I even try my routers ip I get the exact same error, and even get a ping response. Ive tried almost everything I can think of, even messed around using the commands stated in the forums such as
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON <dbname>.* TO <username>
IDENTIFIED BY <password>;
but had no luck and ended up getting more errors.
I followed everything in the "Uber guide" in the FAQ section except this is where Im stumped. Im using the php.exe and the mysql admin and server from the links from your page. Im using windows xp. I cant think of much else more to post here regarding info you might need. Any help would be appreciated, as I would really like to use this bot for my org.