BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: Foxy on April 11, 2007, 11:20:39 pm

Title: Problems Wont log in
Post by: Foxy on April 11, 2007, 11:20:39 pm
I use, aceshells to host my bot, ive been using it for about 6months or so now, and its worked very well, but today I had a issue with the bot, so upgraded to the latest version.

now i have the following issue:

Warning: Could not connect to the AO Chat server ( Host name lookup failure in /home/earthcoder/ao/AOChat.php on line 179

Any ideas?

I had to run bot using php main.php & in a putty to the shell
If i run, php start.php i get
 sh: line 1: php.exe: command not found

Please help Guild going mental at me with no bot
Title: Re: Problems Wont log in
Post by: Alreadythere on April 11, 2007, 11:28:00 pm
Warning: Could not connect to the AO Chat server ( Host name lookup failure in /home/earthcoder/ao/AOChat.php on line 179
Looks like the DNS is buggy, that warning hasn't anything to do with bebot in special.
Title: Re: Problems Wont log in
Post by: Foxy on April 11, 2007, 11:38:33 pm
ok thanks i have a look at work tommorrow, could well be dns, my adsl exchange is furbar
Title: Re: Problems Wont log in
Post by: Blueeagle on April 12, 2007, 06:39:42 am
today I had a issue with the bot, so upgraded to the latest version.
That would be 0.2.11 I presume

now i have the following issue:

Warning: Could not connect to the AO Chat server ( Host name lookup failure in /home/earthcoder/ao/AOChat.php on line 179
A failure in host name lookup is not spesific to bebot. That error is caused by either a route failure or an access failure. Possible crulpits include as already pointed out a faulty name server but might also be caused by PHP not being allowed to access sockets which might be a security measure taken by the host.

I had to run bot using php main.php & in a putty to the shell
If i run, php start.php i get
 sh: line 1: php.exe: command not found

Since the above error indicated a /home/ directory I am enclined to believe that you are running on a *nix system. That means that it should _NOT_ attempt to start php.exe. However since it attempts to start php.exe and not /usr/bin/php (or similar) that means that the server is telling PHP that it's running in a windows environment.
To test this you may try to execute the command
Code: [Select]
which php. If it returns /usr/bin/php or something similar there is a fault somewhere which I am not sure where. php.ini comes to mind but it might well be an environment variable.

Since the malfunction started without (i presume) you making any changes to the bot the cause of the malfunction is (in my opinion) caused by a change made to the server environment. You may ask the administrator of the system to list any changes recently made if there's nothing useful in the "message of the day" when you log on.

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: Problems Wont log in
Post by: Vhab on April 12, 2007, 06:53:41 am
iirc you might need to edit start.php to point at the correct binary.
just open it up in a text editor and look for php.exe and replace it with php (or the full path to the php bin)
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