BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: edgehead on November 24, 2006, 03:11:36 am
I installed bebot today, and I get no errors when I start the bot, everything loads fine. I have it set up as a raidbot, not in a guild. All the commands for the bot work fine in private tells, but in the private group (bot channel) it dosnt recognize any commands. It dosnt show raid info, or raffle starts, it dosnt show anything. Everything works fine in tells. I'm brand spankin' new to bebot, and I don't have much knowledge on this matter so any help would be useful.
Also I put an underscor in front of Raidtime.php function and removed the underscor in raidsingle. and when I do so I get the error "Parse error: parse error, unexpected ')' in c:\bebot_v0.2.9\modules\raidsingle.php on line 213"
As I said, i'm new to this bot, and new to bots in general. I don't have much knowledge on what i'm doing, i'm just trying to provide a decent raidbot for my freidns and myself. So any help would be apreciated
Bot Version is 0.2.9
Search is your friend. Typo in RaidSingle.php (,98.0.html).
Odd that this typo hasn't been fixed yet, but such is life. Get yourself a decent text editor that displays line numbers to make life easy. I use Crimson Editor. Go to View > Line Numbers to turn the line number display on.
/tell yourbot !help to see what commands are available in private group. I don't know what commands you're trying, so it could be by design that they don't work in the private channel.
None of the commands available in privategroup actualy work in privategroup. Commands usable in Privategroup:
!alts !announce !battle !bio !calc
!caller !callers !cd !countdown !flip
!invite !is !items !kick !leave
!level !lvl !massinv !member !members
!news !oe !online !raffle !raid
!rally !roll !rules !server !target
!time !victory !whois
None of them work in private group, all work in tells.
Thank you for pointing out the parse error also :)
Another bug i know i fixed at some point but had gotten lost :(
As for the privategroup commands, that's very odd.
Do the bot console show the bot as seeing the privgroup commands?
Yes, in the console it shows me saying !online (for example) in [Tell] and in [PRGRP]. But it just dosnt do anything when post a command in [PRGRP] but works fine in when it sees a command in [TELL]
somewhat on topic
we have bebot set up as a guild bot, but have always wanted a !rules plugin. I assumed/hoped that by un"_"ing the Rules_RAID file we'd be able to utilize this.
Anyway, that's what I did, and a tell of !rules spits back: /tell bot !help
The files does not appear to directly depend on any other raid functions, so have I missed something here, or was this module not meant to work in a guild bot at all?
Remove the _RAID suffix, bebot filters those modules out on org bots.
The problem with the Bot not showing commands, or answering commands in privatrgroup was a simple problem. Because of the recent problem with new characters not being recognized by the bot, and my bot character being a new character, it couldnt send it's own user id because of the 32bit issue. I downloaded Nesi's fix and it works fine now.
HUGE thank you to Vhab for helping me out in a big way with a small problem
I'll try to get an updated version out this weekend so we can avoid more problems with this.
Remove the _RAID suffix, bebot filters those modules out on org bots.
worked perfectly, thanks.
however, related or not, after enabling this to work in a guild bot, my !commands is rather screwy now.
To [bot]: !commands gc
[bot]: Access rights for commands in guild channel [page 1 of 5] (page 1 of 2)
[bot]: Access rights for commands in guild channel [page 1 of 5] (page 2 of 2)
[bot]: Access rights for commands in guild channel [page 2 of 5] (page 1 of 2)
[bot]: Access rights for commands in guild channel [page 2 of 5] (page 2 of 2)
[bot]: Access rights for commands in guild channel [page 3 of 5] (page 1 of 1)
[bot]: Access rights for commands in guild channel [page 4 of 5] (page 1 of 2)
[bot]: Access rights for commands in guild channel [page 4 of 5] (page 2 of 2)
[bot]: Access rights for commands in guild channel [page 5 of 5]
page 1.1
Access rights for commands useable in guild channel on bot:
admin G
alts G
apf G
autoinv G
battle G
bio G
blacklist G
calc G
city G
page 1.2
cloak G[-] M[-] A[-] GN
This is probably related to the RightManagement mod, but is there a way i can have each page contain 10 lines?
No clue why it looks that bad for you now, perhaps the blob size in your Bot.conf is too low though the default of 12000 should be more then enough.
Otherwise you can set the rights management to only put 9 lines per page. To do that search for the line $countmargin = 10; at the beginning of the function function showcommands($name, $channel) and replace it with 9.
The setup dialog and some other parts of the rights management are in need of an overhaul though.
perhaps the blob size in your Bot.conf is too low though the default of 12000 should be more then enough.
I had a feeling it may have been that, but didnt want to break anything so i left it alone. Default in the verison i dl'd was 5500. Changed to 12000 fixed that, as well as crazy spacing i had on !help too.
thank you very much