BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: Weberin on September 02, 2005, 11:22:45 pm
Hi There,
whenever i start my bot (running on debian linux with php4 installed) i do get an endless loop of bot initialization messages plus this message at the en of each of them. Help would be appreciated.
Greetings, Weberin
The Message at the end:
[2005-09-02 21:19:20] [LOGIN] [STATUS] Authenticateing
AOChat: not expecting authentication.
i had that problem one time too but donĀ“t remember atm in which case it happened :(
you sure that you filled out the bot.conf correctly?
tried to update it with the guide from zacix?
AOChat v1.17 ( should fix that if you don't have it already.
This wouldnt happen to be a 64bit system would it?
I'm running on 64bit now, and I'm getting this error, is there any fix?
I'm running on a 64 bit system aswell, but haven't had any errors like that. Running the 0.3.x version.
Are you runnign windows or linux?
I believe since windows doesn't utilize 64bit capabilities it probalby wouldn't interfere (just a guess).