Is it possible to post url= img (example) in the the news folder and root it there ? or is there some easy way to make like !org meeting / !org agenda come up with clickable links to forum ? (or maybe even show forum site ingame?)
edit [Brackets] made it messed up o.0
or what I'm really after is having some nifty addon in my bot like website, only that I'm looking for more of a module that I will be able to correct (not like news where it's been posted it cant be deleted (0.2.11)) or modified it in any way I want, preferably url linkage to forums for different agendas (votes etc.) with images (kinda like vhab's items) to click on instead of urls (clickable picture commands that opens a website) Is this possible to create manually ? and if so, how do I go at it?
Can this be done with a simple script in anarchy as well / how do I link images to hypertext coverted url's "visit our forum" when holding above showing picture of "Forum" button etc. I managed src for some "register" icons from ingame but alas, aint really what I am looking for, please advice me