BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: Malosar on September 27, 2005, 07:29:47 pm

Title: Points not working
Post by: Malosar on September 27, 2005, 07:29:47 pm
I run a bebot as a raidbot for my guild and recently playing with raid a points. I'm using the Points_RAID instead of the normal Points as well as RaidSingle_RAID.

When I start a raid I can add the points, it gives feedback staying x points added to y's account. However doing !points shows no points and cannot bid anything either on items, keeps saying no points.

I check the db itself and the raid_points table has no rows whatsoever, it seems it's not adding in anything to that table.

All people I have in the raid are members, and I am superadmin allocating the points. I can't find any error msgs anywhere, anyone got an idea what i'm doing wrong?
Title: Points not working
Post by: Blondengy on September 27, 2005, 07:59:37 pm
Running in guildbot mode or raidbot mode?
Also: Did the person join a raid before you gave him points? When he/she first joins a raid a points account for that character is created in guildbot mode... So no points account = no points. ;)
Title: Points not working
Post by: Malosar on September 27, 2005, 09:16:51 pm
Running in Raidbot mode. This is the order I was trying things in:

!raid start
!raid join
(2 others do !raid join)
/tell botname !points add Malosar 5
/tell botname !points add othertoon 5
/tell botname !points (came up with 0)

Can do bid, but can't bid because no points in the db.
Title: Points not working
Post by: Malosar on September 29, 2005, 04:03:23 pm
nvm, got it working. realised my copy of bebot was modified and had lots of extra crap which doesn't work. A fresh copy works fine.
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