ok your computer will have to be on and runing the bebot for it to be working 24/7 so if you like turn off your pc no bot would no longer be on

and you would have to restart it when you next turn it back on.
Now as for the memebrslist this is all saved into a database and if you restart or reboot what ever all this data is saved and nonethink will be losted this is the same for the news.
as for you can not leave your pc on all the time and will i find a freind to run it well that a question only you can reply to as I do not know your freinds.
o and the memberlist is updated by people talking in org chat as well as updated from the website by your ID number i belive you should not need to add anyone as for login messages this will happen as everyone in the database that logs in the bot will say they have will out any work being done.