BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: kenneth on January 31, 2007, 04:17:04 pm

Title: need help
Post by: kenneth on January 31, 2007, 04:17:04 pm
i have been trying to get bebot to run but it just doesn't wanna work i followed to guid for the orgbot and it only will run off the startdebugbot mode and ic an't get it to run on the startbot one its in the directory C:\bebot so can you give em what exactly to say to the cmd promt thingy cuz nothing  i type seems to work
Title: Re: need help
Post by: Keepbrave on January 31, 2007, 04:31:04 pm
a bit more info please...

php version
what did you put in the start.php for php_bin and main_php

and so on
Title: Re: need help
Post by: kenneth on January 31, 2007, 04:53:55 pm
everything is in same folder so i put
Edit the following two lines:
$php_bin = "php.exe";
$main_php = "main.php";

uhm where would i find php version?

Title: Re: need help
Post by: kenneth on January 31, 2007, 05:31:07 pm
i think i found the php verion but not sure when i start the bot under startdebugbot it says v.0.2.10 - php 5.1.5
Title: Re: need help
Post by: kenneth on January 31, 2007, 06:39:23 pm
 >:(this bot is driving me nuts it works fine on the debug mode but won't start properly off startbot

'php' is not recognized as a internal or external command, perable program or batch file. is what i egt when i try to runt he program
Title: Re: need help
Post by: Keepbrave on January 31, 2007, 08:19:50 pm
if u just want to start the bot all i done on mt windows machine was set all .php files to open using php.exe and then just double clicked start.php and it runs itself
Title: Re: need help
Post by: kenneth on January 31, 2007, 08:48:52 pm
where would i find that option
me = comp idiot suprised i even got this far with it
Title: Re: need help
Post by: Keepbrave on January 31, 2007, 09:11:38 pm
if u got single click enabled, click once on start.php then press shift ad right click start.php

you will get a  open with... option in the menu, or just double click ont he file if it is a unknown file and you will get a "Windows cannot open this file" dialoge..

Choose select program from the list option and ok.
On the next screen make sure the "always open with this file" is selected and choose browse.
formt he browse find your php.exe by navigating to your bebot folder, and then ok it and the file should open with php.exe

Title: Re: need help
Post by: kenneth on January 31, 2007, 09:20:14 pm
thanks for the help it seems o be workign proper now cuz now its actaully restarts itself
thanks so much :)
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