BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: neongen on August 10, 2006, 03:16:02 pm
i have mysql on another computer and when the bot do a rooster update or i restart it, it will tell us all the members in org channel, when i had mysql on my own computer i could just restart the bot and it wouldn't do it but now i can't do anything to stop it.
anyone have any idea on how to stop it?
unsure about this one as i am new to this bot but i guess u would need to find and edit the update.php where it outputs this text to your org chat and remove that line so that it does not say the rooster is updateing as for restarting it you would edit that file to and remove the line where it is senting the message to the org channel.
what i mean is it tell us who's a member of the org
it allways do the
[BUDDY] [LOG] name Logged [off] or [on] and then it send it to the org channel
hmm would need someone that knows where that code is i looked and looked can not found it sorry
This indicates that the bot either does not have permission to create tables, or do not have permission to INSERT/UPDATE on the table. Check your database, your members table is most likely empty or missing.
i have the members table and it's full when i do the restart. and when i drop the table the bot have permission to make a new table. then i'll think it have permission to update it to. but it still have the problem.
any idea on how i can find out about the update thing?
This is very odd. The spamming to guildchat should only occur once, the very first time a member is added.
If someone is on the buddylist when the bot starts up, and they are not seen as a member, they will be removed from the buddylist, which in turn means the bot will give a logged on/off message when they are readded by the roster check.
What version of the bot are you running?
i think it's the BeBot v0.2.1.1.
can that be the problem?
It shouldn't be a problem, however i would still reccomend you update to the latest stable release and grab the latest php package from the 0.2.6 announcement.