BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: plugz on September 07, 2006, 04:24:28 pm

Title: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: plugz on September 07, 2006, 04:24:28 pm
OK, I've recently decided to try my hand at using Bebot as an org/guild bot
I must say the fluidity of the bot's functions are nice

now, I have a few questions:

1- Is there an in-game setup interface similiar to IGNbot's interface (as I don't see a !setup as a command option in game)

2- How do I go about import all my custom text/info files from the IGNbot client to Bebot

I've done some searching of threads and see nothing mentioning these 2 questions.
I have no coding background, so ease of use and functionality are key elements for me (otherwise I know it would probably meaning custom coding php files)

Any help is appreciated in advance
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: Malosar on September 07, 2006, 06:48:17 pm
1. - No

2. - Use something like sqlyog to copy/paste text into text fields using the InfoNote module.
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: dogEATdog on September 08, 2006, 05:04:31 pm
on the subject of switching from IGN to BeBot....

I recently took over duties of running the bot and decided to go the way of BeBot, where an IGN was in place.  We are connected to another org - and while my bot recieves tells from the brother org - nothing is relayed between us that is visible in org chat.  I went through the other forums on this site and followed those instructions to get the bot set up and (to my knowledge) 100% functional, this is the only issue I am having.  Any ideas?  ???
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: Khalem on September 08, 2006, 05:13:25 pm
Guild relay is somewhat arcane. Arcane enough that i can't remember how to set it up in a working fashion offhand (i didn't write it)
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: Dabaron on September 09, 2006, 08:10:42 am
It takes some modifications in the bot.php file as well as a few extra files.  You have to put in the colors module (2 of them listed below because I can't remember which one it is), custom rights management, and IGN relay.  After doing all of that... works like a charm   ;),428.0.html,312.0.html,153.0.html,335.0.html
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: Legionofone1 on September 19, 2006, 01:08:27 am
is there any way we can get a module that does what IGN does easily?
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: Dabaron on September 20, 2006, 11:13:18 am
Depends on what portion of IGN..... overall BeBot does everything IGN does, but better.  If you are referring to linking BeBot to an IGN bot then no, not really.  It takes a bit of tweaking things around since they don't really talk the same language by default   ;)
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: Legionofone1 on September 20, 2006, 05:45:58 pm
see this is the last thing that i have to get working for my org bot to be completely reintigrated... (we are currently using a IGN and im converting the org to bebot... ) i have got all the commands and raid features running... and accessed by the org channel... but we are linked to 3 other bots... and sadly IGN handels this awsomely while bebot seems to be unable to support it
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: Khalem on September 21, 2006, 04:52:49 pm
The best way to do multiple org links right now is trough IRC.

Blondengy wrote the relay to be done by tells so that privgroup would remain usable, unfortunately that also places some limits on how far the relay can scale because of tell throttling by the chatserver.

I think someone posted a module to run the relay by privgroup, but i can't remember for sure.
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: Dabaron on September 21, 2006, 07:08:07 pm
If you use the things I put in my prior post you can get linked to multiple IGN bots from BeBot.  I have setup one org bot that is linked to 3 IGN bots.
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: emerald on February 10, 2007, 06:40:33 pm
OK... So our guild is hooked up to several other guilds now using BeBot. we have our issues where we cant always see others talking, but for the most part, it works.

The one major irritation in all of this as it goes through IRC, (a great relay chat program as it stands), is that you can no longer see items when "dropped" into the window.

Is anyone working on a way to drop an item as we used to do and have it actually come across multi guild chat as a link,

PLAYERNAME: I have a  Perennium Blaster 

as it did with IGN instead of this:

PLAYERNAME: I have a Perennium Blaster (

as it currently does with BeBot?

Anyone working on a link bridge or anything of that nature? cause I have to tell you.. thats annoying to have to stop what you are doing, close the game window and LOOK up a link on the net.
Title: Re: Migration from IGN v1.94 to BeBot v0.2.8
Post by: Khalem on February 10, 2007, 10:52:39 pm
It's an annoyance indeed. Good news however is that it's possible to fix, and it is on my ToDo list.
If someone else wants to beat me to it, feel free to. Lord knows i have enough on my plate as it is.

Basically what needs to be done is to parse incoming messages from IRC for either the aomainframe or auno url's making sure its an item URL, then parse that into an ingame itemsref link.
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