BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: bmoscato on January 24, 2007, 02:42:04 am

Title: members table issue
Post by: bmoscato on January 24, 2007, 02:42:04 am
Hey All,

I have two issues.  I deleted my members table to address a field issue but after the rebuild all my org members are showing as non members and not populating the table.

Code: [Select]

[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Rooster.php
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Roster_GUILD.php
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Server.php
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Shutdown.php
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Target.php
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Time.php
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  TowerAttack.php
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  WhoIs.php

[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  WhoisCache.php
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Connecting
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Authenticating
Using AOKex for login key generation
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Logging in
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [LOGIN] [RESULT]        OK
[2007-01-24 01:18:24]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Jawsman logged [off] (not member)
[2007-01-24 01:18:24]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Firemaid logged [off] (not member)
[2007-01-24 01:18:24]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Jacksplat logged [off] (not member)

[2007-01-24 01:18:55]   [ROSTER]        [UPDATE]        Starting roster update
[2007-01-24 01:18:58]   [ROSTER]        [UPDATE]        Roster update complete.
Added 0 members, removed 0.

The second issue I'm having is the roster appears to try to load a second time and the log returns this on all my members:

Code: [Select]

[2007-01-24 01:18:58]   [ROSTER]        [UPDATE]        Starting roster update
MySQL error (# 0) on query: INSERT INTO members (id, nickname, firstname, lastna
me, rank, rank_name, level, profession, gender, breed, pic, lvlrange)
                      VALUES ('814199987',
                              'Bloodstain', '',
                              '', '0',
                              'President', '216',
                              'Engineer', 'Male',
                              'Nano', '
Unknown column 'pic' in 'field list'
Threshold of 10 errors in 30 seconds reached. Supressing error output for 30 sec
[2007-01-24 01:19:02]   [ROSTER]        [UPDATE]        Roster update complete.
Added 0 members, removed 0.

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: members table issue
Post by: bmoscato on January 24, 2007, 02:45:26 am

I'm logged in as the toon that is flagged as superadmin and when I try ask my bot for help it returns:

To [Exobot2]: help
[Exobot2]: I only listen to members of this bot.

Title: Re: members table issue
Post by: jjones666 on January 24, 2007, 08:17:41 am
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Rooster.php
[2007-01-24 01:18:23]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Roster_GUILD.php

It seems you have two different rosters - I assume by the lack of the "pics" field the first one is Xenixa's modified one.  Delete the standard roster file (I'm assuming roster_guild.php), drop members table again and restart bot.  This will correctly re-create the members table.

Title: Re: members table issue
Post by: bmoscato on January 24, 2007, 07:15:20 pm
Hey JJ, thanks that fixed the errors that pertained to the roster but all my members still show as:

[2007-01-24 18:11:24]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Jawsman logged [off] (not member)

What defines a player as a member?
Title: Re: members table issue
Post by: jjones666 on January 24, 2007, 07:22:59 pm
If they are in your org and your org has been set up correctly in the configuration files, then it will add them when the bot boots up.  (If you look at the console it will say how many members it added - and you will also see them in the database in the members table).  (not member) means someone in the bot buddy list that isn't a member (!is command usually), they should be cleaned up next time the bot restarts.  If actual members of the org are showing as that, there may be a problem...  Did it recreate the members table correctly?

Title: Re: members table issue
Post by: bmoscato on January 24, 2007, 07:27:25 pm
Hey JJ,

After dropping the roster file and the members table I had to start the bot twice for the members to display properly.  Everything seems to work fine now.

Thanks for your help.

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