* start.php - Starts and restarts the bot
* BeBot - An Anarchy Online Chat Automaton
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jonas Jax
* Developed by Blondengy (RK1)
* Special thanks goes out to Khalem (RK1) for his support.
* File last changed at $LastChangedDate: 2005-12-13 01:34:04 +0100 (Tue, 13 Dec 2005) $
* Revision: $Id: start.php 37 2005-12-13 00:34:04Z shadowmaster $
Edit the following two lines:
$php_bin = "/usr/bin/php4";
$main_php = "/path-to/BeBot_v0.2.2/main.php";
Configuration for Windows with bot and php.exe in the same directory
you're staring the bot from
$php_bin = "php.exe";
$main_php = "main.php";
Configuration for Windows with bot and php.exe different directorys
$php_bin = "C:\php\php.exe";
$main_php = "C:\BeBot\main.php";
while (true)
$last_line = system($php_bin . " " . $main_php);
if (preg_match("/^The bot has been shutdown/i", $last_line))
These are the general settings of the bot:
$ao_username = "****"; // Account username
$ao_password = "****"; // Account password
$bot_name = "****"; // Name of the bot-character
$dimension = "1"; // Dimension number (1, 2 or 3)
$super_admin["****"] = true;// Bot superadmins
$super_admin["****"] = true; // Bot superadmins
$super_admin["****"] = true; // Bot Superadmins
$other_bots["Somebot"] = true; // All other bots that are guildmembers/raidbotmembers
$other_bots["Otherbot"] = true; // All other bots that are guildmembers/raidbotmembers
$guildbot = false; // false if its a raidbot.
$guild_name = ""; // only if its a guildbot.
$guild_id = 0; // only if its a guildbot.
$tell_color = "#dddddd"; // Color of a standard tell.
$group_color = "#abd95b"; // Color of a group message (Guildchat and privategroup).
$log = "chat"; // logging all/chat/off
$log_path = "./log"; // relative/absolut path of logfiles
$command_prefix = "!"; // Please make sure this is in a Reg-Exp format... (exampe: for "." use "\.")
$cron_delay = 30; // Number of seconds before the cron jobs get executed the first time.
$tell_delay = 2222; // Number of miliseconds between tells. (anti-flooding)
$reconnect_time = 60; // Time to wait for auto reconnect after an error has accured.
$max_blobsize = 5500; // Maximum size of text blobs in byte.
$dbase = "menagerie";
$user = "****";
$pass = "****";
$server = "localhost";
yes, the required character does exist

a little system info i would have included earlier if i wasn't tired:
kernel 2.6.13
gcc (GCC) 4.0.3 20051111 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-4)
PHP 4.4.0-4 (cli)
mysql Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.15
BeBot_v0.2.2 (tried with v0.3.1 and got same result)