BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: sinner75 on June 29, 2005, 11:49:05 pm
I'm sorry to bring this up again but i cant seem to find an solution to this on the forum. Is this related to the 4.1.11 version of mysql or?
I'm running the bot with the php that is on the download page on this site and MySql v4.1.11 on a Windows 2000 server and i get this error:
Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in D:\bebot\MySQL.php on line 36
[Keine Verbindung zur Datenbank!] (Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client)
I have tried to get this running a couple of days now and i'm desperate need of some assistance. I have reinstalled the bot and the mysql several times and tripplechecked all the config files mentioned in the installguide.
So i removed the 4.1.11 version of mysql, rebooted the server and installed the 4.0.24 version, edited the my.ini file under wint folder to correspond to my installation folder of mysql. Removed the # infront of port and then followed the instructions on the ubah guide.. that worked for me.. bot is running though it cant connect to funcom for the basicstats.xml and doesn't listen to me (as a superadmin in the conf file) just tells me "I only listen to members of this bot"
I'm gonna do a sweep for that on the forum aswell, if any of you reads this and have suggestions pls let me know
Guess you haven't quite read the install.txt ;)
Once its running you have to add yourself as a member first. Just "/tell <botnick> !member <superadmin_nick>"
ty for the reply
No i didnt see that since im not doing a raidbot i didnt check the raidbot-install.txt.. Now i did that but it just replyed that "I only listen to members of this bot."
I kinda think it has something to do with the error i posted above about its not able to get the basicstats.xml.. u have any hints on that?
I copied and pasted the link that the bot was trying to locate directly from the output of the bot and pasted it into a webbrowser and i got the page..
I'm stuck... :(
Ahh, yes.
The first thing the bot (in guildbot mode) does is update the whole guild roster from the web... Do you have a firewall running or something similar that might block the bot from getting webpages?