Archive > BeBot 0.2 support

Is !commands still valid?


I'm finally working on replacing our old bot. I have BeBot 0.2.11 running, and can issue basic commands like !online and such. Its on Linux if that matters but it shouldn't for this.

But I can't seem to use the "!commands" command, which is what the Documentation Wiki would (if I ready right) seem to say I should use to bring up the management UI.

I've confirmed the toons I'm using are Superadmins. The "!commands" command doesn't register in !help either. Since that page says !commands can't be disabled in the GUI, and I haven't done any customization yet, I'm guessing the doc is old or I'm still missing something.

Looked through the code for a few minutes trying to see any place that would handle it, hate looking this newb, but didn't see it.

The documentation you mention is for the 0.3 version of bebot. 0.2.11 doesn't have any access control or rights management.

well that makes good sense ... since I'm just now jumping in I'll switch to the development version. Thanks

I believe the !commands was removed from the development bot for some reason. A bit behind myself, so it could have been re-added and I didn't notice yet. :p

It's there again.


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