BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: Foxy on April 12, 2006, 08:45:03 am

Title: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Foxy on April 12, 2006, 08:45:03 am
Code: [Select]
cant seem to get irc module to work.

keep getting
PHP Warning:  array_key_exists(): The second argument should be either an array or an object in <bot home dir>/IRC/SmartIRC.php on line 1948

then bot never joins..

Im running windows xp
Bot works fine on other modules now..

Ive tried ver 2.3 andd 3.2 both bring up error.

any ideas how to fix?

would be great to be able to monitor and chat too guild via irc when at work.
Irc server using is Quakenet.. only due to runs on port 8080 which is not blocked on network.
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Foxy on April 26, 2006, 02:55:45 pm
bump any ideas?
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Nesi on May 16, 2006, 09:43:08 am
Still need help on this?
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Dabaron on May 27, 2006, 07:41:36 am
I could use help on that.  My error is very similar.  I'm pretty sure I'm just missing a setting somewhere but not sure.
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Khalem on June 03, 2006, 04:15:14 am
Sorry for the long delay on this issue.

It would appear that Net_SmartIRC is not fully php 5.0/5.1 compactible and this is whats causing the problems.
I'll be looking more into this shortly.
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Barvaz on June 03, 2006, 05:40:55 am
Hey.. been talking with khalem today and he said to post on forums  ;)
(slept well i hope? ;P )

OK, when i use SmartIRC 0.5.5 i get this:
Code: [Select]
Warning: array_key_exists(): The second argument should be either an array or an object in C:\tombz\IRC\SmartIRC.php on line 1942that happens when the bot tries to enter a channel, it connects to the server ( but gives this error while it try to enter Channel.

when i use SmartIRC 1.0.0 the bot works fine until it connects to the server and then the bot don't listen to any command/chat in GC and do relay ONLY IRC=>GC (GC can see what ppl write in IRC but ppl in IRC cant see what you write in GC..)
IRC commands works aswell while GC commands don't.

that is all i think.
if you need any more info please tell me.

thought it might had to do something with aochat.php so downloaded the newest one from auno (

didnt help
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Nesi on June 03, 2006, 10:39:27 pm
To make the net version of smartirc.php from the net work with the bot on php5 a few things has to be changed. The problem is that smartirc depends on a while loop to check the the socket for new data, this needs to be changed into an if statement so the bot does go into an endless loop.

edit: does NOT go into an endless loop :)
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Dabaron on June 03, 2006, 11:40:03 pm
I rolled back to 4.4.2 and still have same issue though
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Khalem on June 05, 2006, 08:08:32 am
SmartIRC 1.0.0 will not work without modifications.

I have just committed a fixed version in SVN for both the 0.3 and 0.2 branch, so the fixes will be availible in the next release for the respective branches.

In the meantime you can grab the changed files from:
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: Barvaz on June 08, 2006, 03:39:12 am
great job khalem :) works really great :D

uploaded it, hope it stays available (
Title: Re: IRC problems with PHP 5.1.4 and others
Post by: jjones666 on June 26, 2006, 01:23:24 am

FC IRC server appears to be down - however, the bot will not startup at all now due to it not being able to connect to the IRC server.

Fixed by disabling the IRC module manually for the time being (renamed .php file).

Is there a way IRC module can skip if it cannot connect to the server?


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